I recently upgraded a 8.0 database to 8.2 (server is running windows 2003
server) and now I cannot dump the database any more.
At some point in the dump, pg_dump (run on a centos 3 linux) return :
pg_dump: Dumping the contents of table "c2674" failed: PQgetCopyData() failed.
pg_dump: Error message from server: out of memory
pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.c2674 (p2, p9, p3337, p18155, p18154,
p17561, p4065, p689, p43711, p4083, p4020, p4029, p4218, p4074, p45127, p3857,
p7, p6, p5, p32402, p5512, p18175, p42542, p17562, p4) TO stdout;
In the server logs I only get :
LOG: could not send data to client: Unknown winsock error 10061
I tried two time and the dump nearly stop at the same point. I'm trying now to
dump only this tables (c2674), it's a 60 GB table in a ~100 GB database
initialized in C locale. This table have several fields which can be pretty
large (the biggest row is ~35MB).
Any ideas ?