CREATE TABLESPACE — define a new tablespace


CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name
    LOCATION 'template'
    [ WITH ( tablespace_option = value [, ... ] ) ]


Shardman extension of the CREATE TABLESPACE syntax enables creation of a new cluster-wide tablespace. All tablespaces in a Shardman cluster must be cluster-wide. The cluster-wide tablespace is created on each cluster node with the location derived from the template parameter.


tablespace_name #

The name of a tablespace to be created. The name cannot begin with pg_ as such names are reserved for system tablespaces. Also the name cannot contain new line characters.

template #

The directory name template that will be used for the tablespace. The template must include {rgid} substring, which will be translated into the actual replication group ID on each instance where a statement is executed. The directory name template must allow conversion to an absolute path. The path cannot contain new line characters. CREATE TABLESPACE will create the corresponding directory if it is missing. If the directory exists, it must be empty and must be owned by the PostgreSQL system user.

tablespace_option #

A tablespace parameter to be set or reset. The list of parameters must include global boolean parameter. Creation of non-global tablespaces is not allowed by default.


To create a tablespace dbspace under the file system location /data/dbs, first create the directory using operating system facilities on all nodes and set the correct ownership (or ensure that postgres user has permissions to create it):

mkdir /data/dbs
chown postgres:postgres /data/dbs

Then issue the tablespace creation command inside PostgreSQL:

CREATE TABLESPACE dbspace LOCATION '/data/dbs/ts-{rgid}' WITH (global);