A.4. Postgres Pro Shardman 14.15.1 #

Release date: 2024-11-25

This release provides new features, optimizations and bug fixes. Major changes are as follows:

A.4.1. Core and Extensions #

  • Added a new metric to the shardman.pg_stat_csn view that counts transactions with an exceeded time in the inDoubt state.

  • Added new fields to the shardman.silk_pending_jobs view: query, pending_queue_bytes, and pending_queue_messages for the first queued message, the pending queue size, in bytes, and the number of pending queue messages.

  • Added tracing for the queries processed via the Silk transport and added a new configuration parameter shardman.silk_tracepoints that enables it.

  • Updated the function current_date that now can be pre-evaluated locally on coordinator. timestamp and timestamptz comparisons are now considered safe for the remote execution.

  • Added pg_query_state support.

  • Introduced cluster-wide advisory locks which are recommended locks that have application-defined meanings. Also added advisory lock functions.

  • Fixed a bug that previously resulted in uncontrolled memory usage and allocation by silkworm while processing messages.

  • Fixed a bug that previously resulted in unstable Silk connectivity and potential queries hanging in case shardman.silk_flow_control was enabled.

A.4.2. Management Utilities #

  • Added a new shardmanctl history command that shows history of the commands that updated the cluster. By default, they are sorted from the most recent to the oldest ones.

  • Updated etcd version to 3.5.13.

  • Added the normalization for the rebalance process. It allows properly resuming it if it was interrupted.

  • Added a new feature for the shardmand application that allows configuring a port in sdmspec.json with encryption option.

  • Updated the PostgreSQL parameter validation mechanism that now uses data returned by PostgreSQL instance.