A.14. Postgres Pro Shardman 14.10.2 #

Release date: 2024-01-25

This is the first public release of Shardman software. It is shipped as packages with Shardman DBMS and management utilities.

Shardman DBMS is based on PostgreSQL with additional patches where most of the functionality is implemented in shardman and postgres_fdw extensions.

Major features are as follows:

  • Distributed ACID transactions.

  • Distributed DDL to manage cluster-wide objects, including sharded and global tables, sequences and users.

  • Efficient multiplexing transport for intercluster communication.

  • Efficient distributed query planning and execution.

  • Automatic resolution of prepared transactions and distributed deadlock detection.

  • Aggregation of distributed statement statistics and internal network metrics in pgpro_stats extension.

  • Support for global tablespaces and Compressed File System (CFS).

Management utilities are implemented as shardmand service and shardmanctl tool. They use third-party etcd service to store global cluster configuration and exchange information.

Major features are as follows:

  • Initial cluster configuration and setup.

  • Managing and displaying the current configuration of shards and replicas.

  • Updating and setting parameters in the cluster.

  • Ensuring fault tolerance and high availability of shards.

  • Consistent data backup and restore (pg_basebackup and pg_probackup support).

  • Fast data load and automatic schema migration.

  • Benchmarking tools.

  • Updating database metadata on DBMS updates.