A.11. Postgres Pro Shardman 14.10.3 #

Release date: 2024-02-02

This release is based on Shardman 14.10.2 and provides optimizations and bug fixes. Major changes are as follows.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Shardman from working with pg_probackup when PostgresSQL ran on port different from 5432.

  • Fixed Shardman to enable pg_probackup run on a node that is not in the Shardman cluster.

  • Fixed hanging of shardmanctl probackup restore that took place in some cases.

  • Added cleanup of the backup directory in case of a shardmanctl probackup init failure.

  • Improved error handling of probackup backups. Now if a backup fails on one shard, it gets terminated on the others.

  • Improved the behavior of shardmanctl probackup show to display a message informing of no backups when the backup_info file is missing.
