E.18. Postgres Pro Standard

Release date: 2018-08-20

E.18.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 9.6.10 and Postgres Pro Standard All improvements inherited from PostgreSQL 9.6.10 are listed in PostgreSQL 9.6.10 Release Notes.

Major enhancements over Postgres Pro Standard include:

  • The pg_variables module now supports transactional variables. (See Section F.44.)

  • The auto_explain module can now display planning time.

  • Autovacuum now immediately drops orphaned temporary tables to prevent pg_class bloating.

  • Fixed a bug that made unusable some Hunspell dictionaries with FLAG num affixes, such as ru_aot.

  • Updated pg_probackup module to version 2.0.19, which includes the following new features:

    • If one of its parent backups is corrupt, the incremental backup is marked with the ORPHAN status.

    • The show-config command now shows both modified pg_probackup parameters and the default settings that remained unchanged. The output can be formatted as JSON for better readability.

    • The restore command can now skip backup validation to speed up cluster recovery.

    • Parallel execution of incremental backups has been improved.

    • You can merge incremental backups to their parent full backup to save disk space. This is an experimental feature that can cause backup corruption if the merge is interrupted.

  • Postgres Pro Standard version for Windows has been improved:

    • Lifted an implicit restriction on the number of simultaneously open files for each server subprocess.

    • Added an option to disable data checksums for your cluster. By default, Postgres Pro is installed with data checksums enabled.

E.18.2. Migration to Version

Depending on your current installation, the upgrade procedure will differ.

To upgrade from a Postgres Pro Standard version based on any previous PostgreSQL major release, make sure you have installed its latest minor version, and then perform a dump/restore using pg_dumpall or use the pg_upgrade utility.


When upgrading from versions or lower, you must call the REINDEX command for indexes that used mchar or mvarchar types.

To upgrade from a Postgres Pro Standard version based on the same PostgreSQL major release, a dump/restore is not required. If you are upgrading from Postgres Pro Standard or lower, you must also use the pgpro_upgrade script provided in this distribution. This script updates metadata information to handle catalog number format change introduced after Postgres Pro Standard, as well as rename the pgpro_build function to pgpro_source_id. If you are upgrading your Postgres Pro installation from a binary package, the pgpro_upgrade script is run automatically, unless you are prompted to run it manually.


If you run pgpro_upgrade manually, you must stop postgres service. The script must be run on behalf of the user owning the database (typically postgres). Running pgpro_upgrade as root will result in an error. For details, see pgpro_upgrade.

If you have compiled Postgres Pro from source code or created your database in a non-default location, you must run the pgpro_upgrade script manually.


On RPM-based Linux distributions, if you are upgrading from version or lower, make sure to move the data directory from pgsql to the pgpro directory before running the pgpro_upgrade script.

To migrate from vanilla PostgreSQL 9.6.x, perform a dump/restore using pg_dumpall.