E.13. Postgres Pro

Release date: 2017-09-01

E.13.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 9.5.9 and Postgres Pro

Major enhancements over Postgres Pro include:

  • Updated pg_pathman module to version 1.4.3. (See Section F.30 and Section F.30.1.1.) As compared to version 1.4.2, the following enhancements were introduced:

    • Disabled dangerous optimizations for UPDATE and DELETE on PostgreSQL 9.5.

    • Fixed the following type of query: DELETE FROM single_table USING partitioned_table.

    • Fixed the output of the EXPLAIN INSERT INTO partitioned_table command when verbose mode is activated.

    • For a full list of changes, see pg_pathman Wiki.

E.13.2. Migration to Version

A dump/restore is not required for those running

However, if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 9.5.x.x or vanilla PostgreSQL 9.5.x, some catalog changes should be applied.

If you use binary packages, and your database is in the default location, this upgrade should be performed automatically. If you've compiled Postgres Pro from source or create your database in a non-default location, running initdb manually, you should run pgpro_upgrade script provided in this distribution.

Before running the script, you should stop postgres service. Script should be run on behalf of the user owning the database (typically postgres) and PGDATA environment variable should be set to the directory where database resides.