E.12. Postgres Pro

Release date: 2017-11-14

E.12.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 9.5.10 and Postgres Pro All improvements inherited from PostgreSQL 9.5.10 are listed in PostgreSQL 9.5.10 Release Notes.

Major enhancements over Postgres Pro include:

  • Updated pg_pathman module to version 1.4.8. (See Section F.30 and Section F.30.1.1.) As compared to version 1.4.3, the following enhancements were introduced:

    • Improved cache invalidation mechanisms.

    • Disabled COPY partitioned_table TO command. Use COPY (SELECT * FROM partitioned_table) TO instead.

    • Fixed INSTEAD OF triggers on views selected from partitioned tables.

    • ALTER TABLE partitioned_table RENAME TO now also renames auto naming sequences.

    • Disabled some dangerous optimizations for SELECT ... FOR SHARE/UPDATE on PostgreSQL 9.5.

    • Improved error handling in concurrent partitioning background worker.

    • Prohibited execution of queries DELETE FROM partitioned_table_1 USING partitioned_table_2... and UPDATE partitioned_table_1 FROM partitioned_table_2... if such queries touch more than one partition of partitioned_table_1.

    • Fixed a bug causing crashes on RESET ALL.

    • Fixed WHERE conditions that point to gaps between partitions.

    • Restored compatibility with pg_repack.

    • For the full list of changes, see pg_pathman Wiki.

E.12.2. Migration to Version

Depending on your current installation, the upgrade procedure will differ.

If you are running Postgres Pro, it is enough to install the version into the same directory. For earlier Postgres Pro versions, pgpro_upgrade script is required to complete the upgrade:

  • If you are upgrading your installation from a binary package, and your database is in the default location, pgpro_upgrade is run automatically, unless you are prompted to run it manually.

  • If you compiled Postgres Pro from source code or created your database in a non-default location, you must run pgpro_upgrade script manually.


Before launching pgpro_upgrade manually, you must stop the postgres service. The script must be run on behalf of the user owning the database (typically postgres). Running pgpro_upgrade as root will result in an error. For details, see pgpro_upgrade.

To migrate to this version from vanilla PostgreSQL, perform a dump/restore using pg_dumpall.