2.  Difference between Postgres Pro and PostgreSQL

Postgres Pro provides the most actual PostgreSQL version with some additional patches applied and extensions added. It includes new features developed by Postgres Professional, as well as third-party patches already accepted by the PostgreSQL community for the upcoming PostgreSQL versions. Postgres Pro users thus have early access to important features and fixes.


Postgres Pro is provided under the following license: https://postgrespro.com/products/postgrespro/eula. Make sure to review the license terms before downloading Postgres Pro.

Postgres Pro provides the following enhancements over PostgreSQL:

  • Performance improvement on multicore systems (buffer manager and locks optimization).
  • Full text search improvements: phrase search, hunspell morphology, some dictionaries are bundled with distribution and can be enabled by a single SQL statement, shared_ispell allowing to store dictionaries in shared memory.
  • Covering indexes. (See the INCLUDING description in CREATE INDEX.)
  • ICU collation support on all platforms to provide platform-independent sort for various locales. The icu collation provider is used for all locales except C and POSIX.
  • pg_trgm module supporting fuzzy string comparison and substring search.
  • Improved pageinspect module that provides access to internal data storage structure.
  • sr_plan module that allows to save and restore query plans.
  • dump_stat module that allows to save and restore database statistics when dumping/restoring the database.
  • jsquery module that provides a specific language for effective index-supported querying of JSONB data.

Postgres Pro releases follow PostgreSQL releases, though sometimes occur more frequently. The Postgres Pro versioning scheme is based on the PostgreSQL one and has an additional decimal place.