E.1. Postgres Pro Standard 16.8.1 #

Release Date: 2025-02-27

E.1.1. Overview #

This release is based on PostgreSQL 16.8 and Postgres Pro Standard 16.6.1. All improvements inherited from PostgreSQL 16.8 are listed in PostgreSQL 16.8 Release Notes. Other major changes and enhancements are as follows:

  • Added details, like current working directory, the PGDATA directory, etc., to crash_info output files.

  • Added the increased security requirements for the CREATE PROFILE command. Now the PASSWORD_REQUIRE_COMPLEX parameter requires characters from three different groups. Also, non-alphabetic letters (Hindi, Chinese, etc.) are considered as lowercase.

  • Fixed an issue where crash_info could fail to write diagnostic files when handling a stack overflow. Previously, the signal handler ran on the same stack that had overflowed, which could prevent it from executing due to lack of available stack space. Now the handler runs on an alternate signal stack.

  • Fixed a memory context issue, which could previously cause emitting garbage in logs instead of the host and port details when disconnecting from the remote server.

  • Fixed an issue that could occur when a custom scan was used, which could cause an incorrect state of the query plan and could result in an error when pgpro_stats was involved.

  • Fixed an issue where roles without explicitly set VALID UNTIL attribute and associated with a profile that had PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME set to 0 and PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME set to UNLIMITED incorrectly received password expiration warnings. Now they are correctly considered valid indefinitely.

  • Optimized fasttrun to skip unnecessary truncate operations on empty temporary relations.

  • Upgraded mamonsu to version 3.5.11 to provide support for pgpro_stats version 1.8.

  • Upgraded pgbadger to version 13.0.

  • Upgraded pgbouncer to version 1.24.0.

  • Upgraded pg_portal_modify to version 0.3.5.

  • Upgraded pg_proaudit to provide the following enhancements and bug fixes:

    • Added a new event field: session user name. Now an event contains the information about both session_user and current_user attributes of an SQL session.

    • Added support for new event classes: ALL_DDL_NONTEMP and ALL_DML_NONTEMP. The scope of these classes is limited to the objects that are not contained in pg_temp_nnn temporary schemas.

    • Fixed logging of SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT FOR KEY SHARE events as SELECT, rather than UPDATE.

  • Upgraded pg_probackup to version 2.8.7, which provides the following optimizations and bug fixes:

    • Fixed an issue of the multi-threaded file copying technique that prevents repeated copying of one file. This issue could previously stop the backup creation under high load on the server.

    • Reduced the log level for checking WAL file name messages that are issued when the show with the --archive option is executed from INFO to VERBOSE.

    • Updated the add-instance command logic to make the -D option that specifies the path to the catalog mandatory. add-instance no longer relies on the PGDATA environment variable for the catalog location, but requires explicitly specifying the path to the catalog as the command option.

  • Upgraded pgpro_pwr to version 4.8, which provides new features and bug fixes. Notable changes are as follows:

    • Added tracking of extension versions installed in the cluster through a new report section.

    • Added a possibility to hide data for certain databases in the report. To this end, a new parameter that accepts an array of databases to be excluded was added to report generation functions.

  • Upgraded pgpro_stats to version 1.8.1, which provides the following bug fixes and improvements:

    • Fixed an issue in that could occur during session tracing and cause errors could not write file ""pg_stat/pgpro_stats_filters.trace.tmp"": No such file or directory. Concurrent writing from different sessions to a trace file is fixed now, so processes can write to the trace file in parallel without collisions.

    • Changed the format of the statistics dump file and the corresponding save/load routines.

    • Implemented an optimization that lowers the locking time in some cases when copying metrics from the local memory to the shared memory.

    • Aligned the names of the explain_* filter attributes of the session tracer with the names of session-tracing configuration parameters.

    • Implemented turning off the session tracer functionality when no session-tracing filters are specified.

  • Upgraded pg_variables. The DISCARD ALL command now discards all packages and variables in pg_variables.

  • Upgraded the rum module to update an error message for an error that can occur in the case when a SELECT query uses ORDER BY.

E.1.2. Migration to Version 16.8.1 #

If you are upgrading from Postgres Pro Standard based on the same PostgreSQL major version, it is enough to install the new version into your current installation directory.

ABI versions may change between minor releases of Postgres Pro. If this is the case, and you see the ABI mismatch error when trying to run your extension, make sure to install a new version of the extension supplied with a new release of Postgres Pro, or recompile your third-party extension to be able to use it with the current version of Postgres Pro.

If you take backups using pg_probackup and you have previously upgraded it to version 2.8.0 or 2.8.1, make sure to upgrade it to version 2.8.2 or higher and retake a full backup after upgrade, since backups taken using those versions might be corrupted. If you suspect that your backups taken with versions 2.8.0 or 2.8.1 may be corrupted, you can validate them using version 2.8.2.

To migrate from PostgreSQL or a Postgres Pro Standard release based on a previous PostgreSQL major version, see the instructions in Postgres Pro Standard 16.0.1 Release Notes.