Chapter 3. Installation and Setup

Install Oracle Instant Client

perl-DBD-Oracle and libdbd-oracle-perl packages shipped with ora2pgpro require Oracle Instant Client Package 12.1 (e.g. oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- If you use Debian, note that the libdbd-oracle-perl package is not shipped with ora2pgpro as it is provided in the contrib section of the distribution. Its version for older systems (Debian 10, 11) uses the same version of Oracle Instant Client 12.1. The libdbd-oracle-perl package in Debian 12 requires Oracle Instant Client 21 or above (with package name oracle-instantclient-basic-xx.xx.x.x.x.x86_64.rpm). If you use a Debian-based system (Ubuntu, Astra Linux), you have to convert the RPM package to a Debian package using alien, and then install it using dpkg. You can download the packages here or from a different source and follow the installation instructions.
