E.20. Postgres Pro Enterprise

Release date: 2018-03-20

E.20.1. Overview

This release is based on Postgres Pro Enterprise Main changes over Postgres Pro Enterprise include:

  • Fixed and re-enabled the pg_wait_sampling module on Windows systems.

  • Updated the pg_probackup utility from version 2.0.11 to 2.0.16, which includes the following new features:

    • Fixed an infinite loop that could happen during page validation.

    • Fixed segfault for the case of parallel PTRACK connections.

    • Allowed to use the delete-wal option without delete-expired.

    • Fixed CVE-2018-1058. Schema name is now explicitly used on every function call.

  • You can now use pgpro_build function to get the latest commit ID for the source files of the current release.

  • Fixed an issue with sort ordering of some Russian letters in the mchar module. Use REINDEX DATABASE command to update indexes.

E.20.2. Migration to Version

Depending on your current installation, the upgrade procedure will differ.

To upgrade from a Postgres Pro Enterprise version based on the same PostgreSQL major release, a dump/restore is not required. Instead of the pg_upgrade, you must use the pgpro_upgrade script provided in this distribution. This script updates metadata information to handle catalog number format change introduced in Postgres Pro Enterprise If you are upgrading your Postgres Pro Enterprise installation from a binary package, the pgpro_upgrade script is run automatically, or you are prompted to run it manually.


If you run pgpro_upgrade manually, you must stop postgres service. The script must be run on behalf of the user owning the database (typically postgres) and PGDATA environment variable should be set to the directory where database resides. Running pgpro_upgrade as root will result in an error.

When upgrading from versions or lower, you have to rebuild GiST indexes built over columns of the intarray type.


On RPM-based Linux distributions, if you are upgrading from version, make sure to move the data directory from pgsql to the pgproee directory before running the pgpro_upgrade script.

To migrate from vanilla PostgreSQL 9.6.x or Postgres Pro, make sure you have installed its latest minor version and then perform a dump/restore using pg_dumpall.