E.12. Postgres Pro Enterprise

Release date: 2019-07-10

E.12.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 9.6.14 and Postgres Pro Enterprise All improvements inherited from PostgreSQL 9.6.14 are listed in PostgreSQL 9.6.14 Release Notes. As compared with Postgres Pro Enterprise, this version also provides the following changes:

  • Added support for Rosa Enterprise Linux Server 7 and ROSA COBALT 7 (server edition). The previous versions of these operating systems are no longer supported.

  • Added support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause server failures when using non-strict aggregate functions.

  • Fixed processing of queries with multiple OR clauses to eliminate duplicate results and ensure the correct sort order.

  • Updated pg_probackup module to version 2.1.3. As compared with version 2.0.26, it offers the following major improvements:

    • Backup and restore of a remote Postgres Pro instance via SSH.

    • Merging incremental backups with their expired parent backups to satisfy retention policy.

    • Backing up files and directories located outside of Postgres Pro data directory, such as configuration or log files.

    • The checkdb command for validating all data files in the Postgres Pro instance and logical verification of indexes using amcheck.

    For a full list of changes, see pg_probackup Wiki.

  • Updated pg_pathman module to version 1.5.8. As compared to version 1.5.5 provided in the previous Postgres Pro releases, the following enhancements were introduced:

    • Fixed handling of tables with multilevel partitioning. Previously, SELECT FOR SHARE and SELECT FOR UPDATE commands for such tables could return the following error: ERROR: variable not found in subplan target lists.

    • Enhanced pg_pathman stability.

E.12.2. Migration to Version

Depending on your current installation, the upgrade procedure will differ.

To migrate from vanilla PostgreSQL 9.6.x or Postgres Pro Standard, make sure you have installed its latest minor version and then perform a dump/restore using pg_dumpall.

To upgrade from a Postgres Pro Enterprise version based on the same PostgreSQL major release, a dump/restore is not required. It is usually enough to install the new version into the same installation directory. Once the new binaries are installed, the pgpro_upgrade script is run automatically to check whether additional setup is required and complete the upgrade.

Since pg_probackup delivery model changed in Postgres Pro Enterprise, when upgrading from a lower version on ALT Linux and Debian-based systems, run apt dist-upgrade (or apt-get dist-upgrade) to ensure that all new dependencies are handled correctly. On Windows, you have to run a separate pg_probackup installer to complete the upgrade.

When upgrading from versions or lower, you have to rebuild indexes that used mchar or mvarchar types.

When upgrading from versions or lower, you have to rebuild GiST indexes built over columns of the intarray type.

When upgrading from version on RPM-based Linux distributions, make sure to move the data directory from pgsql to the pgproee directory before running the pgpro_upgrade script.

For some Linux distributions, you may be prompted to run pgpro_upgrade manually. In this case, you must stop the postgres service. The script must be run on behalf of the user owning the database (typically postgres) and PGDATA environment variable should be set to the directory where database resides. Running pgpro_upgrade as root will result in an error. This step is not required when upgrading from version or higher.