E.32. Postgres Pro Enterprise

Release date: 2016-12-15

E.32.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 9.6.1 and offers the following major enhancements:

  • Added k-nearest neighbors algorithm (KNN) for SP-GiST and B-tree (See Chapter 60)

  • Added RUM index, based on GIN, as separate module (See Section F.55)

  • WAL size has been reduced on CREATE INDEX operation in the GiST, GIN, SP-GiST

  • Added timeout for idle sessions on the server side (See idle_session_timeout)

  • Added SHA-2 algorithm for password encryption (See Section 20.3.2)

  • Added page level compression (CFS) (See Chapter 31)

  • Added support of autonomous transactions (See Chapter 16)

  • Added new optional background worker to schedule tasks by rules (See pgpro_scheduler)

  • Added support for relocatable tables (See pg_transfer)

  • Extension pg_hint_plan has been added (See Section F.38)

  • Transaction IDs on 64-bit platforms use 64-bit data type

  • Lazy placement of temporary tables on disk

  • Consistent read on standby servers (wait for WAL apply, see WAITLSN)

  • Utility pg_repack has been added (See pg_repack)

  • Backup manager pg_arman available in Postgres Pro Standard 9.5 has been replaced by pg_probackup 1.0 (See pg_probackup).

  • Added a fix for pg_buffercache module to improve database response in the case of connected monitoring tools.

  • Added pgpro_edition() function, which returns the name of Postgres Pro edition, i.e. standard or enterprise.

Several modules to support 1C Enterprise have been added:

Also, following core changes have been added to support 1C:

  • Application level locks

  • Optimization of range conditions in the WHERE clause

Core patches from Postgres Pro Standard 9.5 have been applied:

  • Covering indices patch by Anastasia Lubennikova (Commit: 91b4e25614247833d7960c49d783f69b90c0c149) (Details: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/f90aa60a-b67f-95b5-d9f5-f5d8ced178c6@postgrespro.ru/

    ICU patch (Commit: ee711324f31cc039e656ea45c54abd0cf8ea3e41)

    Fixes to win32 build system (Commit: 84fa653ee00ebe54f591b18e3664fa6d5889224f)

    Added pgpro_version SQL function and appropriate defines into pg_config.h (Commit: 671a7525541aa3eece366dae4249aa43a56a2168)

    Integrated PTRACK patch (Commit: cea0987364070600fe640df0050d285b53cafb00)

    Added order by to index_including test to make 32-bit FreeBSD happy (Commit: fd9fc27d40b5dd4db611418bb848760154ec9f55)

The following modules have been ported from Postgres Pro Standard 9.5:

E.32.2. Migration to Version

A dump/restore using pg_dumpall, or use of pg_upgrade, is required for those wishing to migrate data from any previous major release.

Dump/restore is necessary when migrating from PostgreSQL or Postgres Pro Standard edition.

For upgrades from previous releases of Postgres Pro Standard or from PostgreSQL 9.6.x, some catalog changes should be applied.

If you use binary packages, and your database is in the default location, this upgrade should be performed automatically. If you have created your database in non-default location, running initdb manually, you should run pgpro_upgrade script provided in this distribution.

Before running script, you should stop postgres service. Script should be run as user, owning the database (typically postgres) and PGDATA environment variable should be set to the directory where database resides.