F.9. biha — built-in high-availability cluster #

biha is a Postgres Pro extension managed by the bihactl utility. Together with a set of core patches, SQL interface, and the biha-background-worker process, which coordinates the cluster nodes, biha turns Postgres Pro into a cluster with physical replication and built-in failover, high availability, and automatic node failure recovery.

As compared to existing cluster solutions, i.e. a standard PostgreSQL master-standby cluster and a cluster configured with multimaster, the biha cluster offers the following benefits:

  • Physical replication.

  • Built-in failover.

  • Dedicated leader node available for read and write transactions and read-only follower nodes.

  • Synchronous and asynchronous node replication.

  • Built-in capabilities of automatic node failure detection, response, and subsequent cluster reconfiguration, i.e. selection of the new cluster leader and making the old leader the read-only follower.

  • No additional external cluster software required.

F.9.1. Overview #

With built-in high-availability capabilities, Postgres Pro allows creating a cluster with one dedicated leader node and several follower nodes. The bihactl utility is used to initialize the cluster and create the leader, add followers, convert existing cluster nodes into the leader or the follower in the biha cluster as well as check the cluster node status. The leader is available for read and write transactions, while followers are read-only and replicate data from the leader in the synchronous or asynchronous mode.

Physical streaming replication implemented in biha ensures high availability by providing protection against server failures and data storage system failures. During physical replication, WAL files of the leader node are sent, synchronously of asynchronously, to the follower node and applied there. In case of synchronous replication, with each commit a user waits for the confirmation from the follower that the transaction is committed. The follower in the biha cluster can be used to:

  • Perform read transactions in the database.

  • Prepare reports.

  • Create in-memory tables open for write transactions.

  • Prepare a follower node backup.

  • Restore bad blocks of data on the leader node by receiving them from the follower node.

  • Check corrupt records in WAL files.

Physical streaming replication implemented in biha provides protection against several types of failures:

  1. Leader node failure. In this case, a follower node is promoted and becomes the new leader of the cluster. The promotion can be done both automatically by means of elections or manually using the biha.set_leader function. In case of elections, the follower node with the most records in the WAL becomes the cluster leader. The elections are held based on the cluster quorum, which is a minimum number of nodes that participate in the leader election. The quorum value is set in the nquorum option when initializing the cluster with the bihactl init command. For example, if you have a cluster with three nodes where nquorum=2 and one follower node is down, the cluster leader will continue to operate. If the leader is down in such a cluster, two remaining followers start elections. After the new leader node is elected, the term value is incremented for all cluster nodes. More specifically, the new leader and the remaining followers have term=2, while for the old leader the value is left as term=1. Therefore, when the old leader is back in the cluster, it becomes the follower. After the new leader is set, followers of the cluster start receiving WAL files from this new cluster leader. Note that once the new leader is elected, the old leader cannot be open for write transactions to avoid split-brain issues. Once the old leader node is repaired, you should either recreate the cluster with this leader node or synchronize it with the newly elected leader node by means of pg_rewind. Both the cluster quorum and the term concepts are implemented in biha based on the Raft consensus algorithm.

  2. Follower node failure. If a follower node uses asynchronous replication, the failure by no means affects the leader node. If a follower node uses synchronous replication, this failure causes the transaction on the leader node to stop. This happens because the leader stops receiving transaction confirmations from the follower and the transaction fails to end. For details on how to set up synchronous replication in the biha cluster, see Section F.9.3.6.

  3. Network failure between the leader node and follower nodes. In this case, the leader node cannot not send and follower nodes cannot receive any data. Note that you cannot allow write transactions on follower nodes if users are connected to the leader node. Any changes made on follower nodes will not be restored on the leader node. To avoid this, configure your network with redundant channels. It is best to provide each follower with its own communication channel to avoid single point of failure issues.

For the elections to begin, the followers must miss the maximum number of heartbeats from the leader set by the biha.set_heartbeat_max_lost function. Then each follower proposes itself as a leader CANDIDATE, and elections begin. If the leader does not receive the set number of heartbeats from a follower in this case, the follower state changes to UNKNOWN. If your cluster has only two nodes and you want to avoid potential split-brain issues in case of elections, you can set up the referee node that participates in the elections in the same way as followers but does not contain any user databases. To learn more, see Section F.9.3.3.

In case of an emergency, such as operating system or hardware failure, you can reinstall Postgres Pro and remove the biha extension from shared_preload_libraries to go back to work as soon as possible.

F.9.1.1. Variants of Cluster Configuration #

There are several variants of the cluster configuration.

  1. Three and more nodes. Below are possible scenarios if the leader node or the network is down:

    • The new leader is elected as a result of the failover and elections. The leader is elected by a simple majority of votes.

    • In case of network interruptions, the cluster may split into several groups of nodes. In this case, the new leader node is elected in the group with the majority of nodes. After the connection is restored, the new leader will be chosen between the old one and the newly elected one depending on the term value. Besides, if the nquorum value equals the minnodes value, the old leader becomes read-only.

    Alternatively, the leader node can be set manually using the biha.set_leader function.

  2. Two nodes with one leader node and one follower node. Below are possible scenarios if one node or the network is down:

    • The follower node becomes the new leader node. When the follower cannot see the leader due to network interruptions and if biha.nquorum and biha.minnodes configuration parameters are both set to 1, split-brain issues may occur because two leaders available for read and write transactions appear in the cluster. If biha.minnodes is set to 2, the leader becomes read-only. The referee node helps avoiding such issues.

    • Nothing happens in case of network interruptions. In this scenario, the follower node will not become the leader node.

    Alternatively, the leader node can be set manually using the biha.set_leader function.

  3. Single leader node. A possible variant that can be used to wait until follower nodes are configured. Logically, the node cannot be replaced once down, since there are no follower nodes that can become the leader node.

  4. Two regular nodes and one referee node, which is a voting node used in elections of the new leader in the 2+1 high-availability cluster. To learn more about the referee, see Section F.9.3.3.

F.9.2. Setting Up a High-Availability Cluster #

The biha cluster is set up by means of the bihactl utility, and there are several ways to do so:

  • Add the leader node and follower nodes from scratch.

  • Convert an existing node to make it the leader node and add new follower nodes.

  • Convert an existing node to make it the leader node and convert an existing node to make it the follower node.

When the high-availability cluster is initialized, biha modifies the Postgres Pro configuration in postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf. The changes are first included in biha service files postgresql.biha.conf and pg_hba.biha.conf and then processed by the server after the following include directives are specified in postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf, respectively:

include 'postgresql.biha.conf'
include "pg_hba.biha.conf"

At the time of cluster initialization, biha configures Postgres Pro and creates its own service files inside the database catalog. In the course of cluster operation, the Postgres Pro configuration and the service files are dynamically modified. The standard ALTER SYSTEM mechanism is used to this end, which modifies the postgresql.auto.conf file and rereads the configuration similarly to calling the pg_reload_conf() SQL function. In this case, two parameters are modified, primary_conninfo and primary_slot_name, which are required for the automated replication control inside the high-availability cluster. If you modify any other parameters during this change and fail to reread the configuration, the parameters that you have changed may be unexpectedly reread.

F.9.2.1. Setting Up a High-Availability Cluster from Scratch #

To set up a built-in high-availability cluster from scratch, you first need to install packages of Postgres Pro on all nodes of your cluster, more specifically the postgrespro-ent-16-contrib package and the pg-probackup-ent-16 package if you plan to use pg_probackup with biha. After Postgres Pro is installed, execute the following commands to set up your cluster: bihactl init and bihactl add. The cluster is configured automatically when the above commands are executed and you only need to specify some cluster-related options. Note that a password specified in the password file is required to connect the follower node to the leader node.

Perform the steps described below to set up the cluster:

  1. Initialize the cluster and create the leader node.

    1. Execute the bihactl init command with the necessary options as shown below. At this stage, bihactl interactively requests the biha_replication_user role password, which will be used to connect the follower node to the leader node at the next stage:

      bihactl init \
          --biha-node-id=1 \
          --host=localhost \
          --port=5432 \
          --biha-port=5433 \
          --nquorum=2 \
          --minnodes=2 \
          --pgdata=leader_local_PGDATA_directory > /tmp/magic-file

      In this case, the initdb utility is accessed, postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files are modified as well as a special string called magic string is created containing the data needed to connect follower nodes to the leader node at the next stage.

      You might want to save the magic string for the next step of adding the follower node:

      export MAGIC_STRING="$(cat /tmp/magic-file)"
    2. Execute the following command to start the DBMS:

      pg_ctl start -D leader_local_PGDATA_directory -l leader_log_file
  2. Add the follower node.

    1. Edit the password file by specifying the password for the biha_replication_user role. It is required to connect the follower node to the leader node.

    2. Execute the bihactl add command with the necessary options.

      bihactl add \
          --biha-node-id=2 \
          --host=localhost \
          --port=5434 \
          --biha-port=5435 \
          --use-leader "host=leader_host port=leader_port biha-port=leader_biha_port" \

      The follower node can be also added using the magic string:

      bihactl add \
          --biha-node-id=2 \
          --host=localhost \
          --port=5434 \
          --biha-port=5435 \
          --magic-string=magic_string \

      In this case, a backup of the leader node is created by means of pg_basebackup or pg_probackup depending on the value set in the --backup-method parameter. Besides, postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files are modified.

    3. Execute the following command to start the DBMS:

      pg_ctl start -D follower_PGDATA_directory -l follower_log_file

F.9.2.2. Setting Up a High-Availability Cluster from Existing Nodes #

To set up a built-in high-availability cluster from existing nodes, execute the following commands: bihactl init with the --convert option and bihactl add if you have only the primary node and you want to make it the leader and add more new nodes from scratch or bihactl init with the --convert option and bihactl add with the --convert-standby option if you want to convert the primary node to make it the leader and convert standby nodes to make them the followers in this cluster. The cluster is configured automatically when the above commands are executed, and you only need to specify some cluster-related options. Note that a password specified in the password file is required to connect the follower node to the leader node.

Perform the steps described below to set up the cluster:

  1. Convert an existing node to make it the leader node.

    1. Stop the existing node prior to converting it to the leader node:

      pg_ctl stop -D leader_PGDATA_directory
    2. Execute the bihactl init command with the --convert option. At this stage, bihactl interactively requests the biha_replication_user role password, which will be used to connect the follower node to the leader node at the next stage:

      bihactl init --convert \
          --biha-node-id=1 \
          --host=localhost \
          --port=PostgresPro_port \
          --biha-port=5433 \
          --nquorum=2 \
          --minnodes=2 \
          --pgdata=leader_local_PGDATA_directory > magic-file

      In this case, postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files are modified as well as a magic string is created containing the data needed to connect follower nodes to the leader node at the next stage.

      You might want to save the magic string for the next step of adding the follower node:

      export MAGIC_STRING="$(cat magic-file)"
    3. Execute the following command to start the DBMS:

      pg_ctl start -D leader_local_PGDATA_directory -l leader_log_file
  2. Add the follower node.

    1. You can add the follower node in two ways. Before proceeding to one of the steps below, edit the password file by specifying the password for the biha_replication_user role. It is required to connect the follower node to the leader node:

      1. Stop the existing node prior to converting it to the follower node:

        pg_ctl stop -D follower_PGDATA_directory
      2. Execute the bihactl add command with the --convert-standby option to convert the existing node to the follower node:

        bihactl add --convert-standby \
            --biha-node-id=2 \
            --host=localhost \
            --port=PostgresPro_port \
            --biha-port=5435 \
            --use-leader "host=leader_host port=leader_port biha-port=leader_biha_port" \
      3. Execute the bihactl add command with additional options to add a new follower node from scratch.

      When converting an existing node to the follower node, biha creates the follower_PGDATA_directory/pg_biha/biha.conf and follower_PGDATA_directory/pg_biha/biha.state files required for the node to be connected to the cluster and modifies postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf.

    2. Execute the following command to start the DBMS:

      pg_ctl start -D follower_PGDATA_directory -l follower_log_file

F.9.2.3. Managing the Referee Node in the High-Availability Cluster #

If your cluster contains only two nodes, i.e. the leader node and one follower node, you can set up the 2+1 high-availability cluster by adding the referee node. To do this, take the following steps:

  1. Execute the bihactl add command with the relevant value of the --mode option:

    bihactl add --mode=referee


    bihactl add --mode=referee_with_wal

    Note that you can use only pg_basebackup when adding the referee node to your cluster.

  2. Start the Postgres Pro instance where you have set up the referee:

    pg_ctl start -D referee_PGDATA_directory

To remove the referee from the cluster, take the following steps:

  1. Stop the Postgres Pro instance where the referee has been set up:

    pg_ctl stop -D referee_PGDATA_directory
  2. While on the leader node, call the biha.remove_node function with the relevant ID:

    SELECT biha.remove_node(referee_id)

F.9.3. Administration #

F.9.3.1. Changing Cluster Composition #

You can change the cluster composition by adding or removing nodes. To add a node, use the bihactl add command with the relevant options. To remove a node, use the biha.remove_node function. For more information on how to set up a high-availability cluster, see Section F.9.2.

F.9.3.2. Switchover #

In addition to the built-in failover capabilities, the high-availability cluster in Postgres Pro allows for the switchover. The difference between failover and switchover is that the former is performed automatically when the leader node fails and the latter is done manually by the system administrator. To switch over the leader node, use the biha.set_leader function. When you set the new leader, the following happens:

  • All attempts to perform elections are blocked and the timeout is set.

  • The current leader node becomes the follower node.

  • The newly selected node becomes the new leader.

  • If the switchover process does not end within the established timeout, the selected node becomes the follower and new elections are performed to choose the new cluster leader.

F.9.3.3. The Referee Node in the 2+1 biha Cluster #

The biha extension allows you to set up the referee node that participates in the leader elections and helps to avoid potential split-brain issues if your cluster has only two nodes, i.e. the leader and one follower. In this case, use the referee node and set both biha.nquorum and biha.minnodes configuration parameters to 2. The biha extension provides two referee functioning modes:

  • The referee mode. In this mode, the node only takes part in elections of the leader and does not participate in data replication, and no replication slots are created on the leader and follower nodes for the referee.

  • The referee_with_wal mode. In this case, the node participates both in the leader elections, in the same way as in the referee mode, and data replication and receives the entire WAL from the leader node. If the referee node has the most WAL records in the cluster when the elections begin, i.e. has the greatest LSN, the follower node tries to get missing WAL files from the referee. This process is also important for the referee node not to go into the NODE_ERROR state, which may be the case if WALs diverge.

Regardless of the mode set for the referee, it sends and receives heartbeats over the control channel, including using SSL, participates in the elections in the same way as follower nodes, supports cluster monitoring functions, and must be taken into account when setting the biha.minnodes configuration parameter. Note that the referee is the final state of the node and it cannot be switched to the leader node using the biha.set_leader function, nor can it become the follower node. If for some reason the follower does not see the leader but the referee does, the referee does not allow the follower to become the leader. If the leader node with greater term connects to the referee node, the referee demotes the leader with lower term and makes it the follower.

F.9.3.4. Roles #

When you initialize the high-availability cluster, the biha_db database is created as well as the biha extension is created in the biha scheme of the biha_db database. Besides, the following roles are created and used:

  • BIHA_CLUSTER_MANAGEMENT_ROLE that is responsible for the management of the biha cluster.

  • BIHA_REPLICATION_ROLE that is responsible for the data replication in the biha cluster. This role is used when running pg_rewind and pg_probackup.

  • biha_replication_user that automatically receives the right to connect using the replication protocol and becomes a member in the BIHA_REPLICATION_ROLE and BIHA_CLUSTER_MANAGEMENT_ROLE roles. The role is used by the bihactl utility as well as when the follower node is connected to the leader node. This role owns the biha_db database.

  • The predefined pg_monitor role that is used to monitor the state of the built-in high-availability cluster.

The cluster initialization process also creates replication slots with the name set in the biha_node_id format. These slots are controlled automatically without the need to modify or delete them manually.

F.9.3.5. Restoring the Node in the NODE_ERROR State #

Errors occurred in biha or server instance processes listed below may cause the node failure, i.e. it will not be able to restart and will damage the WAL:

  • A rewind automatically performed by biha using pg_rewind if node timelines diverge.

  • The walreceiver process in case of timeline divergence. The follower node WAL may be partially rewritten by the WAL received from the leader node.

When the node goes into the NODE_ERROR state, the WAL recovery is paused and the walreceiver process is stopped. Besides, the error details are saved to the biha.state file and checked upon the node restart, so the node will go into the same state when the biha-background-worker process is launched.

To restore the node from the NODE_ERROR state, take the following steps:

  1. Save the most recent files from the pg_wal directory, since some of the files unique to this node will be rewritten by pg_rewind.

  2. Run pg_rewind with the --biha option to save biha configuration files. If the rewind has been successful, information about the NODE_ERROR state is deleted from the biha.state file. Besides, when you specify the connection string in the --source-server option of pg_rewind, it also automatically saves this string for the primary_conninfo configuration parameter in the postgresql.auto.conf file. This is important for the node to continue restoring after the restart and reach the consistency point, which is the number of the last record in the source server WAL at the time of the rewind.

F.9.3.6. Cluster with Synchronous Replication #

Built-in high availability capabilities in Postgres Pro allow you to create a cluster with quorum-based synchronous replication. To add nodes with synchronous replication to your cluster, add the --sync-standbys option when executing bihactl init. This will modify the synchronous_standby_names parameter by specifying the set of synchronous standby servers with the keyword ANY. Also, the synchronous_commit parameter is used with the default value on. Note that synchronous replication is set only for the number of nodes specified in the --sync-standbys option. Other nodes in the cluster will be replicated asynchronously, since streaming replication is asynchronous by default. For more information, see Section 26.2.8.

F.9.3.7. Logging #

biha logs messages sent by its components, i.e. the control channel and the node controller. The control channel is used to exchange service information between the nodes and is marked as BCP in the log. The node controller is the biha core component, which is responsible for the node operation logic and is marked as NC in the log. You can determine the types of messages to be logged by setting the appropriate logging level. biha supports both standard Postgres Pro message severity levels and the extension logging levels.

Postgres Pro message severity levels are used by biha in the following cases:

  • A biha process ends with an error (ERROR and FATAL levels).

  • A biha component is not covered by any logging level of the extension.

  • A message should be logged when component logging is disabled. For example, LOG level messages sent by the control channel, which are displayed only when the component is successfully initialized.

biha logging levels are mapped to the Postgres Pro message severity levels. If you want messages of the required level to appear in the log, the value set for this level should correspond to the value in log_min_messages. The extension logging levels can be configured by editing the postgresql.biha.conf file directly or by setting biha configuration parameters, which are listed in Section F.

For example, to display messages related to the control channel, except for the debugging information, specify the following in the postgresql.biha.conf configuration file or set the relevant configuration parameters. In this case, it is assumed that log_min_messages is set to LOG:

biha.BcpTransportLog_log_level = LOG
biha.BcpTransportWarn_log_level = LOG
biha.BcpTransportDetails_log_level = LOG

F.9.4. Reference #

F.9.4.1. Configuration Parameters #

The biha extension provides several configuration parameters described below that are specific to the built-in high-availability cluster. In addition, some Postgres Pro configuration parameters are also used, more specifically listen_addresses, port, shared_preload_libraries, and wal_keep_size, which are set automatically at cluster set-up, as well as hot_standby, max_replication_slots, max_slot_wal_keep_size, max_wal_senders, and wal_level, which are used with the default values.

F. Autorewind #
biha.autorewind #

An optional parameter that controls the automatic rewind policy within one node. The default value is false meaning that the automatic rewind is not performed. When the value is set to true, the automatic rewind is performed after the error that usually causes the NODE_ERROR state of the node. The automatic rewind is performed if it may complete successfully meaning that preliminary launching of pg_rewind with the --dry-run option was a success. If the automatic rewind fails, the node is transferred to the NODE_ERROR state and the rewind.signal file is created in the PGDATA directory. Note that you may lose some records in the node WAL because of the rewind.

F. Cluster Configuration #
biha.heartbeat_max_lost #

Specifies the maximum number of heartbeats that can be missed before the action is taken. This parameter can be set with the biha.set_heartbeat_max_lost function. The default value is 10.

biha.heartbeat_send_period #

Specifies the heartbeat sending frequency, in milliseconds. This parameter can be set with the biha.set_heartbeat_send_period function. The default value is 1000.

biha.host #

Specifies the host of the high-availability cluster node. This parameter is unique for each node of the cluster. For the first node it is set at cluster initialization, for other nodes it is set when adding them to the cluster. It is not recommended to modify this parameter.

biha.id #

Specifies the ID of the high-availability cluster node. This parameter is unique for each node of the cluster. For the first node it is set at cluster initialization, for other nodes it is set when adding them to the cluster. It is not recommended to modify this parameter.

biha.minnodes #

Specifies the minimum number of operational nodes for the leader node to be open for write transactions. This parameter can be set with the biha.set_nquorum_and_minnodes function.

biha.no_wal_on_follower #

Specifies the timeout during which followers can wait to receive the WAL from the leader, in milliseconds. This parameter can be set with the biha.set_no_wal_on_follower function. The default value is 20000.

biha.nquorum #

Specifies the number of nodes required when electing the leader node in the cluster. This parameter can be set with the biha.set_nquorum_and_minnodes function.

biha.port #

Specifies the port used to exchange service information between nodes. This parameter is required to establish a connection with the cluster. It is not recommended to modify this parameter.

F. biha Logging Levels #
biha.BihaLog_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide general information about the operation of biha components. The default value is LOG.

biha.BcpTransportDebug_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide debugging information about the control channel operation. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.BcpTransportDetails_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide detailed information about the control channel operation. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.BcpTransportLog_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide general information about the control channel operation. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.BcpTransportWarn_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide warnings of likely problems in the control channel. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.NodeControllerDebug_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide debugging information about the node controller operation. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.NodeControllerDetails_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide detailed information about the node controller operation. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.NodeControllerLog_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide general information about the node controller operation. The default value is DEBUG4.

biha.NodeControllerWarn_log_level #

Specifies the logging level to provide warnings of likely problems in the node controller. The default value is DEBUG4.

F.9.4.2. Functions #

All functions listed below should be called from the biha_db database, for example:

psql biha_db -c "select biha.set_leader(2)"
F. Magic String Generation #
biha.get_magic_string () returns string #

Generates a magic string for the cluster node.

F. Cluster Node Removal #
biha.remove_node (id integer) returns boolean #

Removes the node from the cluster. Before removing, the node must be stopped. This function can only be called on the leader node.

F. Setting the Leader Manually #
biha.set_leader (id integer) returns boolean #

Sets the leader node manually.

F. Cluster Configuration #
biha.config () returns setof record #

Returns the cluster configuration values: id, term, nquorum, minnodes, heartbeat_send_period, heartbeat_max_lost, no_wal_on_follower.

biha.set_heartbeat_max_lost (integer) returns boolean #

Sets the maximum number of heartbeats that can be missed before the action is taken. This function can be called only from the leader node and changes the parameters on all nodes. You do not need to restart the cluster node for the changes to take effect.

biha.set_heartbeat_send_period (integer) returns boolean #

Sets the heartbeat sending frequency, in milliseconds. This function can be called only from the leader node and changes the parameters on all nodes. You do not need to restart the cluster node for the changes to take effect.

biha.set_no_wal_on_follower (integer) returns boolean #

Sets the timeout during which followers can wait to receive the WAL from the leader, in milliseconds. This function can be called only from the leader node and changes the parameters on all nodes. You do not need to restart the cluster node for the changes to take effect.

biha.set_nquorum_and_minnodes (integer, integer) returns boolean #

Sets the nquorum and minnodes values for the cluster. This function can be called only from the leader node and changes the parameters on all nodes. You do not need to restart the cluster node for the changes to take effect.

F. Cluster Monitoring #
biha.nodes () returns setof record #

Defines the biha.nodes_v view, which is described in detail in the biha.nodes_v section.

biha.status () returns setof record #

Defines the biha.status_v view, which is described in detail in the biha.status_v section.

F. The NODE_ERROR State #
biha.error_details () returns setof record #

Returns the description of why the node transferred to the NODE_ERROR state. The returned record contains the type of the error, its details, the place it occurred specifying begin_lsn, end_lsn, and identifier of the current and the next timeline, as well as replay_lsn.

F.9.4.3. Views #

F. biha.nodes_v #

This view displays the connection status of nodes in the cluster.

Table F.12. The biha.nodes_v view

Column NameDescription
id The node ID.
host The host of the node.
port The port of the node.
state The connection state of the node. This column may contain one of the following values: ACTIVE, CONNECTING, IDLE, or INIT.
since_conn_start The time since the node connection.
conn_count The number of times the node was connected since the start of the cluster.

F. biha.status_v #

This view displays the state of nodes in the cluster.

Table F.13. The biha.status_v View

Column NameDescription
id The node ID.
leader_id The leader node ID.
term The term of the node. This is used for the purposes of the leader election.
online Shows whether the node is online.
last_known_state The last known state of the node.
since_last_hb The time since the last received heartbeat message.