H.3. tds_fdw
The tds_fdw
module provides the foreign data wrapper tds_fdw, which can connect to databases that use the Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol, such as Sybase databases and Microsoft SQL Server.
This foreign data wrapper requires a library that implements the DB-Library interface, such as FreeTDS. This has been tested with FreeTDS, but not the proprietary implementations of DB-Library.
H.3.1. Limitations
Unlike WHERE
and column pushdowns, which are supported when match_column_names
is enabled, JOIN
pushdown or write operations are not supported.
H.3.2. Installing tds_fdw
tds_fdw is provided with Postgres Pro Enterprise as a separate pre-built package tds-fdw
(for the detailed installation instructions, see Chapter 17).
Install the tds_fdw
extension using CREATE EXTENSION.
H.3.3. Configuring tds_fdw
H.3.3.1. Managing Character Sets/Encoding
Although many newer versions of the TDS protocol will only use USC-2 to communicate with the server, FreeTDS converts the UCS-2 to the client character set of your choice. To set the client character set, you can set client charset
in freetds.conf
. See The freetds.conf
File and Localization and TDS 7.0 for details.
You may need more configuring in case you get an error like this with Microsoft SQL Server when working with Unicode data:
NOTICE: DB-Library notice: Msg #: 4004, Msg state: 1, Msg: Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or earlier., Server: PILLIUM\SQLEXPRESS, Process: , Line: 1, Level: 16
ERROR: DB-Library error: DB #: 4004, DB Msg: General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server, OS #: -1, OS Msg: (null), Level: 16
In this case, you may have to manually set tds version in freetds.conf
to 7.0 or higher. See The freetds.conf
File and Choosing a TDS protocol version for details.
H.3.3.2. Configuring Encrypted Connections to MSSQL
This needs to be configured at the freetds.conf
. See The freetds.conf
File and under
, look for encryption. freetds.conf
H.3.4. Usage
To prepare for database access using tds_fdw:
Create a foreign server object, using CREATE SERVER, to represent each database you want to connect to.
Create a user mapping, using CREATE USER MAPPING, for each database user you want to allow to access each foreign server.
Create a foreign table, using CREATE FOREIGN TABLE or IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA, for each table you want to access.
H.3.4.1. Creating a Foreign Server
To create a foreign server, execute the CREATE SERVER command providing the following options:
The servername, address or hostname of the foreign server. This can be a DSN, as specified in
. See FreeTDS name lookup for details. You can set this option to a comma-separated list of server names, then each server is tried until the first connection succeeds. This is useful for automatic failover to a secondary server.Required: Yes
The port of the foreign server. Instead of providing a port here, it can be specified in
is a DSN).Required: No
The database to connect to for this server
Required: No
is 0, tds_fdw will connect directly todatabase
. Ifdbuse
is not 0, tds_fdw will connect to the server's default database and then select the database by calling the DB-Library'sdbuse()
function. For Azure,dbuse
currently needs to be set to 0.Required: No
Default: 0
The language to use for messages and the locale to use for date formats. FreeTDS may default to U.S. English on most systems. You can probably also change this in
. For information related to this for MS SQL Server, seeSET LANGUAGE
in MS SQL Server. For information related to Sybase ASE, see Sybase ASE login options andSET LANGUAGE
in Sybase ASE.Required: No
The client character set to use for the connection if you need to set this for some reason. For TDS protocol versions 7.0+, the connection always uses UCS-2, so this parameter does nothing in those cases. See Localization and TDS 7.0 for details.
Required: No
The version of the TDS protocol to use for this server. See Choosing a TDS protocol version and History of TDS Versions for details.
Required: No
The function used for the TDS message handler. Can be one of the following values:
: TDS messages are turned into PostgreSQL noticesblackhole
: TDS messages are ignored
Required: No
A cost that is used in query planning to represent the overhead of using this foreign data wrapper.
Required: No
A cost that is used in query planning to represent the overhead of fetching rows from this server.
Required: No
A cost that is used to represent the overhead of fetching rows from this server used in query planning.
This option is supported for SQL Server only. Setting this to
will enable the following server-side settings after a successful connection to the foreign server:CONCAT_NULLS_YIELDS_NULL ON
Those parameters in summary are comparable to the SQL Server option
. In contrast,sqlserver_ansi_mode
currently does not activate the following options:CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT
This follows the behavior of the native ODBC and OLEDB driver for SQL servers, which explicitly turn them off if not configured otherwise.
Required: No
Some foreign table options can also be set at the server level. Those include:
Example H.1. Create a Foreign Server
CREATE SERVER mssql_svr FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER tds_fdw OPTIONS (servername '', port '1433', database 'tds_fdw_test', tds_version '7.1');
H.3.4.2. Creating a User Mapping
To create a user mapping, execute the CREATE USER MAPPING command providing the following options:
The username of the account on the foreign server
If you are using Azure SQL, then your username for the foreign server will need to be in the format
. If you only use the username, the authentication will fail.Required: Yes
The password of the account on the foreign server
Required: Yes
Example H.2. Create a User Mapping
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR postgres SERVER mssql_svr OPTIONS (username 'sa', password '');
H.3.4.3. Creating a Foreign Table
To create a foreign table, execute the CREATE FOREIGN TABLE command providing the following options:
The query string to use to query the foreign table
Required: Yes (mutually exclusive with
The schema that the table is in. The schema name can also be included in
.Required: No
The table on the foreign server to query
Aliases: table
Required: Yes (mutually exclusive with
Match local columns with remote columns by comparing their table names instead of using the order in which they appear in the result set. Required for
and column pushdowns.Required: No
Estimate the size of the table by performing some operation on the remote server, as defined by
, instead of using the local estimate, as defined bylocal_tuple_estimate
Required: No
A locally set estimate of the number of tuples that is used when
is disabledRequired: No
Can be one of the following values:
: Execute the query on the remote server and get the actual number of rows in the queryshowplan_all
: Get the estimated number of rows using MS SQL Server’sSET SHOWPLAN_ALL
Required: No
Example H.3. Create a Foreign Table
Using a table_name
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE mssql_table ( id integer, data varchar) SERVER mssql_svr OPTIONS (table_name 'dbo.mytable', row_estimate_method 'showplan_all');
Using a schema_name
and table_name
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE mssql_table ( id integer, data varchar) SERVER mssql_svr OPTIONS (schema_name 'dbo', table_name 'mytable', row_estimate_method 'showplan_all');
Using a query
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE mssql_table ( id integer, data varchar) SERVER mssql_svr OPTIONS (query 'SELECT * FROM dbo.mytable', row_estimate_method 'showplan_all');
Setting a remote column name:
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE mssql_table ( id integer, col2 varchar OPTIONS (column_name 'data')) SERVER mssql_svr OPTIONS (schema_name 'dbo', table_name 'mytable', row_estimate_method 'showplan_all');
H.3.4.4. Importing a Foreign Schema
To import a foreign schema, execute the IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA command providing the following options:
Controls whether column
expressions are included in the definitions of foreign tablesRequired: No
Default: false
Controls whether column
constraints are included in the definitions of foreign tablesRequired: No
Default: true
Example H.4. Import a Foreign Schema
IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA dbo EXCEPT (mssql_table) FROM SERVER mssql_svr INTO public OPTIONS (import_default 'true');
H.3.4.5. Setting Variables
To set a variable, execute the SET command.
The following variables are available:
Print memory context stats to the Postgres Pro log before each row is fetched
Print memory context stats to the Postgres Pro log after each row is fetched
Print memory context stats to the Postgres Pro log when a query is finished
Example H.5. Set a Variable
postgres=# SET tds_fdw.show_finished_memory_stats=1; SET
H.3.4.6. Viewing the Query Issued on the Remote System
To view the query issued on the remote system, execute the EXPLAIN [ VERBOSE ]
H.3.5. Author
Geoff Montee