Appendix K. Configuring Postgres Pro for 1C Solutions

You can install and use Postgres Pro with 1C solutions in a client/server model.

Make sure that the Russian locale (such as ru_RU.UTF-8 on Linux systems) is installed and that it is the active locale of the user who creates the database cluster. For example, for Debian systems do the following:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # Choose locale ru_RU.UTF-8 to generate
export LANG="ru_RU.UTF-8"
/opt/pgpro/ent-14/bin/pg-setup initdb

For more details, see related sections of the documentation for your operating system and for 1C.

Also, for optimal performance and stability, modify the following settings in the postgresql.conf configuration file of Postgres Pro server:

  1. Increase the maximum number of allowed concurrent connections to the database server, up to 1000 connections. 1C solutions can open a large number of connections, even if not all of them are used, so it is recommended to allow not less than 500 connections.

    max_connections = 1000

  2. To ensure that temporary tables are handled correctly, modify the following parameters:

    • Increase the buffer size for temporary tables:

      temp_buffers = 32MB

    • Increase the number of allowed locks of tables or indexes per transaction to 256:

      max_locks_per_transaction = 256

      Typically, 1C solutions use a lot of temporary tables. Every backend process usually contains multiple temporary tables. When closing a connection, Postgres Pro tries to drop all temporary tables in a single transaction, so this transaction may use a lot of locks. If the number of locks exceeds the max_locks_per_transaction value, the transaction will fail, leaving multiple orphaned temporary tables.

  3. Enable backslash escapes in all strings, and switch off the warning about using the backslash escape symbol:

    standard_conforming_strings = off
    escape_string_warning = off

  4. Set the effective_cache_size parameter to at least half of RAM available on the system. Postgres Pro query optimizer performance depends on the amount of allocated RAM.

  5. Optimize query planning using plantuner extension, as follows:

    • Add plantuner to the shared_preload_libraries variable:

      shared_preload_libraries = 'plantuner'
    • Tune Postgres Pro optimizer to improve planning for recently created empty tables:

      plantuner.fix_empty_table = 'on'