Part VIII. Appendixes
Table of Contents
- A. Postgres Pro Error Codes
- B. Date/Time Support
- C. SQL Key Words
- D. SQL Conformance
- E. Release Notes
- E.1. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.20.1
- E.2. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.18.1
- E.3. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.16.2
- E.4. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.16.1
- E.5. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.15.2
- E.6. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.15.1
- E.7. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.14.3
- E.8. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.14.2
- E.9. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.14.1
- E.10. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.13.1
- E.11. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.12.3
- E.12. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.12.2
- E.13. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.12.1
- E.14. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.11.1
- E.15. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.10.2
- E.16. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.10.1
- E.17. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.9.1
- E.18. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.8.2
- E.19. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.8.1
- E.20. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.7.1
- E.21. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.6.1
- E.22. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.5.1
- E.23. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.4.1
- E.24. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.3.1
- E.25. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.2.2
- E.26. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.2.1
- E.27. Release 13.20
- E.28. Release 13.19
- E.29. Release 13.18
- E.30. Release 13.17
- E.31. Release 13.16
- E.32. Release 13.15
- E.33. Release 13.14
- E.34. Release 13.13
- E.35. Release 13.12
- E.36. Release 13.11
- E.37. Release 13.10
- E.38. Release 13.9
- E.39. Release 13.8
- E.40. Release 13.7
- E.41. Release 13.6
- E.42. Release 13.5
- E.43. Release 13.4
- E.44. Release 13.3
- E.45. Release 13.2
- E.46. Release 13.1
- E.47. Release 13
- E.48. Prior Releases
- E.2. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.18.1
- E.1. Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.20.1
- F. Additional Supplied Modules and Extensions Shipped in
- F.1. adminpack
- F.2. amcheck
- F.3. aqo
- F.4. auth_delay
- F.5. auto_explain
- F.6. bloom
- F.7. btree_gin
- F.8. btree_gist
- F.9. citext
- F.10. cube
- F.11. dblink
- F.12. dict_int
- F.13. dict_xsyn
- F.14. dump_stat
- F.15. earthdistance
- F.16. fasttrun
- F.17. file_fdw
- F.18. fulleq
- F.19. fuzzystrmatch
- F.20. hstore
- F.21. Hunspell Dictionaries Modules
- F.22. in_memory
- F.23. intagg
- F.24. intarray
- F.25. isn
- F.26. jsquery
- F.27. lo
- F.28. ltree
- F.29. mchar
- F.30. multimaster
- F.31. online_analyze
- F.32. pageinspect
- F.33. passwordcheck
- F.34. pg_buffercache
- F.35. pgcrypto
- F.36. pg_freespacemap
- F.37. pg_hint_plan
- F.38. pg_pathman
- F.39. pg_proaudit
- F.40. pg_prewarm
- F.41. pgpro_scheduler
- F.42. pg_query_state
- F.43. pgrowlocks
- F.44. pg_stat_statements
- F.45. pgstattuple
- F.46. pg_transfer
- F.47. pg_trgm
- F.48. pg_tsparser
- F.49. pg_variables
- F.50. pg_visibility
- F.51. pg_wait_sampling
- F.52. plantuner
- F.53. postgres_fdw
- F.54. ptrack
- F.55. referee
- F.56. rum
- F.57. seg
- F.58. shared_ispell
- F.59. spi
- F.60. sr_plan
- F.61. sslinfo
- F.62. tablefunc
- F.63. tcn
- F.64. test_decoding
- F.65. tsm_system_rows
- F.66. tsm_system_time
- F.67. unaccent
- F.68. uuid-ossp
- F.69. vops
- F.70. xml2
- F.2. amcheck
- F.1. adminpack
- G. Postgres Pro Modules and Extensions Shipped as Individual Packages
- H. Third-Party Modules and Extensions Shipped as Individual Packages
- I. Additional Supplied Programs
- J. External Projects
- K. Configuring Postgres Pro for 1C Solutions
- L. Postgres Pro Limits
- M. Demo Database “Airlines”
- L. Postgres Pro Limits
- N. Acronyms
- O. Glossary
- P. Color Support
- O. Glossary
- Q. Obsolete or Renamed Features