Mailing lists [pgsql-sql]
- Returning with the inserted id Graf László
- Re: Returning with the inserted id Richard Huxton
cursor "
" already in use Stathis Stergou -
Re: cursor "
" already in use Michael Fuhr - not sure about constraints Jerome Alet
- Re: not sure about constraints Achilleus Mantzios
- Re: not sure about constraints Jerome Alet
- Turn off auto-commit Joÿffffffffffe3o Carvalho
- Re: Turn off auto-commit Owen Jacobson
- Recommendation on bytea or blob for binary data like images
- Re: Recommendation on bytea or blob for binary data like images Tom Lane
- Re: insert only if conditions are met? Henry Ortega
- Re: insert only if conditions are met? Philip Hallstrom
- Searching for results with an unknown amount of data Oz