Mailing lists [pgsql-sql]
- passing parameters between forms Sharmad Naik
- Re: Trigger Function and Html Output Richard Huxton
- Calling functions inside a function: behavior Edipo Elder Fernandes de Melo
- Re: passing parameters between forms Richard Huxton
- Re: Calling Java from psql (was Re: requesting help) Peter T Mount
- Error:TypeCreate: type links already defined Najm Hashmi
- Re: Calling functions inside a function: behavior Roberto Mello
- Re: Error:TypeCreate: type links already defined Richard Huxton
- Fwd: Calling functions inside a function: behavior Josh Berkus
- very very slow ..... J.Fernando Moyano
- Re: Fwd: Calling functions inside a function: behavior
- using for rec inside a function: behavior very slow Jie Liang
- select statement inside a function: behavior bad Jie Liang
- Re: using for rec inside a function: behavior very slow Tom Lane
- Re: very very slow ..... Tom Lane
- Appropriate indices to create for these queries Gerald Gutierrez