Mailing lists [pgsql-performance]
- LIMIT confuses the planner Kouber Saparev
- Re: LIMIT confuses the planner Richard Huxton
- Re: LIMIT confuses the planner Robert Haas
- Re: LIMIT confuses the planner Tom Lane
- Re: LIMIT confuses the planner Kouber Saparev
- Re: LIMIT confuses the planner Tom Lane
- Re: Benchmark comparing PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle Sergio Lopez
- Re: LIMIT confuses the planner Kouber Saparev
- Re: TCP network cost Ross J. Reedstrom
- Re: TCP network cost Ross J. Reedstrom
- Re: postgreSQL performance 8.2.6 vs 8.3.3
- Re: TCP network cost Tom Lane
- Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Farhan Husain
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Gregory Stark
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Scott Marlowe
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Farhan Husain
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Guillaume Smet
- Re: postgreSQL performance 8.2.6 vs 8.3.3 Scott Marlowe
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Farhan Husain
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Scott Marlowe
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Scott Marlowe
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Farhan Husain
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Scott Marlowe
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Tom Lane
- Re: Abnormal performance difference between Postgres and MySQL Tom Lane