Mailing lists [pgsql-interfaces]
- Re: Query for Postgre Michael Meskes
- Solaris make error. Help ! Hariharasubramanian R
- pyPgSQL - Version 1.5.1 is released. Billy G. Allie
- jdbc ResultSetMetaData::isWritable() Ian Wehrman
- Documentation on ECPG Ligia Pimentel
- Re: [HACKERS] libpq++ current sources don't compile with older C++ compilers
- Re: JDBC: Exception when calling ResultSet.previous() Rene Pijlman
- Re: PQgetvalue and User defined types/Arrays fields Billy G. Allie
- Core dump when I run a program that uses embedded sql Ligia Pimentel
- JDBC: Exception when calling ResultSet.previous() Peter Wasem
- How does pg work? Björn Lundin
- Re: Documentation on ECPG Michael Meskes
- Re: tcl on Mac OS X Constantin Teodorescu
- BUG in binaries for Mandrake 8.0 !!! Constantin Teodorescu
- Re: Core dump when I run a program that uses embedded sql Michael Meskes
- Re: tcl on Mac OS X Jeremy Buchmann