Mailing lists [pgsql-interfaces]
- Re: lo_import problems Tom Lane
- getting OID of INSERTed record in ECPG Matthew Denny
- RE: psql & java Peter Mount
- RE: where to close statement ? Peter Mount
- RE: JDBC: Missing Classes? Peter Mount
- Limiting autoloading in pgaccess Ivo Simicevic
- Inserting NULL with pgaccess Ivo Simicevic
- Re: lo_import problems Karel Zak
- Is this usage correct ? Guillaume Rousse
- RE: Is this usage correct ? Peter Mount
- ODBC with fields defined as numeric(14,2) Mirek Hankus
- RE: Is this usage correct ? Guillaume Rousse
- ODBC not reporting RI violations. Gene Sokolov
- Re: getting OID of INSERTed record in ECPG Tom Lane
- Re: Large strings Nelson Ferreira Junior
- RE: JDBC: Missing Classes? Dwelle, Timothy
- RE: JDBC: Missing Classes? Peter Mount
- Re: Inserting NULL with pgaccess Ken J. Wright
- Re: Large strings John David Garza
- Re: ODBC not reporting RI violations. Tibor Laszlo
- Re: Is this usage correct ? Arkin
- How do I select nth row from a table ganesanm
- Re: How do I select nth row from a table Tom Lane