Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- "Cast" SRF returning record to a table type? Jim Nasby
- Re: "Cast" SRF returning record to a table type? David G. Johnston
- Re: Waiting on ExclusiveLock on extension Jim Nasby
- ORDER BY for jsonb Pai-Hung Chen
- Re: ORDER BY for jsonb Jim Nasby
- Re: "Cast" SRF returning record to a table type? Jim Nasby
- function to send email with query results Suresh Raja
- Re: "Cast" SRF returning record to a table type? David G. Johnston
- Re: [SQL] function to send email with query results David G. Johnston
- Re: ORDER BY for jsonb Pai-Hung Chen
- Re: function to send email with query results John R Pierce
- Re: "Cast" SRF returning record to a table type? Jim Nasby
- Re: ORDER BY for jsonb Jim Nasby
- Re: [SQL] function to send email with query results Jim Nasby