Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: Unresponsive vacuum process Ed L.
- Re: Unresponsive vacuum process
- Re: Settings for autovacuum for batch uploading of data? Matthew T. O'Connor
- psql -E option is not working in 7.4.2 like 7.3.4 Durai raj
- Re: Settings for autovacuum for batch uploading of data? Carlos Oliva
- Re: psql -E option is not working in 7.4.2 like 7.3.4 Tom Lane
- Re: Settings for autovacuum for batch uploading of data? Matthew T. O'Connor
- Re: Unresponsive vacuum process Tom Lane
- Re: list of open connections / terminate a connection? Ken Godee
- problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character field is filled with numerical values Dragan Matic
- backend terminated abnormally Bob Powell
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character Guy Fraser
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character Dave Smith
- problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character field is filled with numerical values Dragan Matic
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character field is filled with numerical values Joe Erickson
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character Dave Smith
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character Stephan Szabo
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character field is filled with numerical values Tom Lane
- Re: Dblink question Joe Conway
- Re: backend terminated abnormally Tom Lane
- ORDER BY 'DK', 'DE', DESC? Victor Spång Arthursson
- Equivalent for mysql's FOUND_ROWS() Victor Spång Arthursson
- Re: ORDER BY 'DK', 'DE', DESC? Stephan Szabo
- Re: ORDER BY 'DK', 'DE', DESC? Adam Ruth
- Re: ORDER BY 'DK', 'DE', DESC? Stephan Szabo
- Problem converting interval to seconds Liviu BURCUSEL
- Re: Problem converting interval to seconds (Jim Seymour)
- Re: ORDER BY 'DK', 'DE', DESC? Greg Stark
- Re: problem with sorting using 'ORDER BY' when character field is filled with numerical values Thomas Beutin
- can't get async mode to deliver small batches of rows Mark Harrison
- Am I locking more than I need to? Jeff Davis