Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- pg_restore very slow Laurent Michel
- Dynamic plpgsql code Natasa Bulatovic
- postgresql resultsets accessing through .net adivi
- application compatibility with Oracle adivi
- Re: application compatibility with Oracle Tino Wildenhain
- PostgreSQL, Cygwin - setting locales
- Re: Dynamic plpgsql code Csaba Nagy
- Re: Dynamic plpgsql code Richard Huxton
- Re: IIRC + intervals + and other things Csaba Nagy
- What about a comp.databases.postgresql usenet newsgroup ??? Bruno BAGUETTE
- Conditions to be connected through UNIX-sockets ? Bruno BAGUETTE
- Re: IIRC + intervals + and other things Alexander Blüm
- drop function all - ? Együd Csaba
- Extracting day of week from timestamp Garo Hussenjian
- Is it possible to create database in lower version with the dump of higher version shreedhar
- What is the max size for a bytea field? u15074