Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: BUG #17504: psql --single-transaction -vON_ERROR_STOP=1 still commits after client-side error Michael Paquier
- Re: PostgreSQL 10 initdb with locale de-x-icu fails on Windows Server 2012 Thomas Munro
- Re: PostgreSQL 10 initdb with locale de-x-icu fails on Windows Server 2012 Thomas Munro
- AW: PostgreSQL 10 initdb with locale de-x-icu fails on Windows Server 2012 ROSESOFT S. Hoffmann
- Re: PostgreSQL 10 initdb with locale de-x-icu fails on Windows Server 2012 Thomas Munro
- BUG #17539: Assert after CREATE OPERATOR CLASS command PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #17539: Assert after CREATE OPERATOR CLASS command Dmitry Koval
- BUG #17540: Prepared statement: PG switches to a generic query plan which is consistently much slower PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #17539: Assert after CREATE OPERATOR CLASS command Tom Lane