Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: BUG #15724: Can't create foreign table as partition Alvaro Herrera
- CREATE STATISTICS + Table Inheritance = ERROR: tuple already updatedby self David Marcin
- BUG #15861: jsonb exists query retuning inconsistent results PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #15789: libpq compilation with OpenSSL 1.1.1b fails onWindows with Visual Studio 2017 Michael Paquier
- Re: BUG #15827: Unable to connect on Windows using pg_services.confusing Python psycopg2 Michael Paquier
- Re: BUG #15861: jsonb exists query retuning inconsistent results Sergei Kornilov
- PostgreSQL v11.3 - Records are deleted from child table if partitionkey of parent table is changed Rozboril, Robert
- Re: BUG #15827: Unable to connect on Windows using pg_services.confusing Python psycopg2 Michael Paquier
- Re: XSS Bug in Query View Fahar Abbas
- Re: CREATE STATISTICS + Table Inheritance = ERROR: tuple alreadyupdated by self Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: BUG #15827: Unable to connect on Windows using pg_services.conf using Python psycopg2 Jorge Gustavo Rocha
- Re: Querying foreign table with SP-GiST index results in “ERROR: cache lookup failed for type 0” Etsuro Fujita
- Logging corruption error codes Andrey Borodin
- Re: BUG #15861: jsonb exists query retuning inconsistentresults RJ Ewing
- Re: BUG #15861: jsonb exists query retuning inconsistent results Sergei Kornilov
- BUG #15862: İnsert duration seems too long PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #15863: pgAdmin nightmare PG Bug reporting form
- Re: Logging corruption error codes Alvaro Herrera
- Re: PostgreSQL v11.3 - Records are deleted from child table ifpartition key of parent table is changed Alvaro Herrera
- BUG #15864: problems with the instalation of PostgreSQL 9.4 PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #15865: ALTER TABLE statements causing "relation already exists" errors when some indexes exist PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #15865: ALTER TABLE statements causing "relation alreadyexists" errors when some indexes exist Alvaro Herrera
- Re: BUG #15865: ALTER TABLE statements causing "relation already exists" errors when some indexes exist Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #15863: pgAdmin nightmare Gavin Flower