Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: Abnormal JSON query performance 007reader
- Re:Re: BUG #15187: When use huge page, there may be a lot of hangedconnections with status startup or authentication chenhj
- Re: Abnormal JSON query performance Dmitry Dolgov
- Re: "REVOKE ... ON DATABASE template1 ..." has no effect Ralf Jung
- Re: Cannot create an aggregate function with variadic parameters andenabled for parallel execution Alexey Bashtanov
- pg_ctl -D PGDATA stop -m fast gets the following message 57P03 FATAL: thedatabase system is shutting down
- Inconsistencies restoring public schema ownership from pg_dump Chris Pacejo
- Re: Cannot create an aggregate function with variadic parameters and enabled for parallel execution Tom Lane
- "order by" and "order by asc" returning different results on date field Rick Gentry
- Re: "order by" and "order by asc" returning different results on date field Tom Lane
- ERROR: subxact logged without previous toplevel record Euler Taveira
- Re: ERROR: subxact logged without previous toplevel record Alvaro Herrera
- Re: "order by" and "order by asc" returning different results on date field Rick Gentry
- Re: ERROR: subxact logged without previous toplevel record Euler Taveira
- Re: "order by" and "order by asc" returning different results on date field Tom Lane