Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- BUG #9046: vacuum analyze fails on a table that has domain that is a date rage
- Re: BUG #9046: vacuum analyze fails on a table that has domain that is a date rage Tom Lane
- BUG #9048: Misleading error in transferring sequence between tables
- BUG #9050: pg_stat_statements() contains rows with the same dbid, userid and query
- Re: BUG #9050: pg_stat_statements() contains rows with the same dbid, userid and query Peter Geoghegan
- BUG #9045: Misleading error message needs changed
- Re: BUG #8354: stripped positions can generate nonzero rank in ts_rank_cd Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #8365: Two documentation suggestions Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #8376: Doc update: CREATE ROLE Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #8395: empty aclitem arrays are considered 1-dimensional Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #8398: to_json(''::hstore) gives invalid JSON Bruce Momjian