Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: why provide cross type arithmetic operators Tom Lane
- BUG #4056: problem creating function with domain argument eric melbardis
- Re: BUG #4056: problem creating function with domain argument Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #4047: case preserve for columns
- BUG: PG do not use index
- can't delete record from second table in rules of view with join select Sergey Burladyan
- Re: BUG: PG do not use index Alvaro Herrera
- Re: can't delete record from second table in rules of view with join select Sergey Burladyan
- Re: why provide cross type arithmetic operators Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #4055: Using Like in PostgreSQL 8.2.7 and 8.3.1 Bill Moran
- Re: BUG: PG do not use index Bill Moran
- Re: can't delete record from second table in rules of view with join select Tom Lane
- BUG #4058: xml_table() segfaults on null Frank F.
- Possible problem with EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP) David Rowley
- Re: Possible problem with EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP) David Fetter
- Re: Possible problem with EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP) Tom Lane
- BUG #4057: SUM returns NULL when given no rows Reginald Drake
- Re: BUG #4057: SUM returns NULL when given no rows Tom Lane
- Re: Possible problem with EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP) David Rowley
- BUG #4059: Vacuum full not always cleaning empty tables Mark Steben
- BUG #4060: libpq - large stack causes TCP/IP error Bruce Nairn
- Re: BUG #4058: xml_table() segfaults on null Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #4059: Vacuum full not always cleaning empty tables Alvaro Herrera