Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- BUG #3695: Pgsql does not report non existing function Roger
- Yet another problem with ILIKE and UTF-8 Gergely Bor
- BUG #3696: FK integrity check bypassed using rules. Pierre-yves Strub
- Re: Yet another problem with ILIKE and UTF-8 Gregory Stark
- Re: BUG #3695: Pgsql does not report non existing function Tom Lane
- BUG #3697: utf8 issue: can not reimport a table that was successfully exported. Marc Mamin
- Re: Yet another problem with ILIKE and UTF-8 Gergely Bor
- Re: BUG #3697: utf8 issue: can not reimport a table that was successfully exported. Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #3696: FK integrity check bypassed using rules. Tom Lane
- Re: Yet another problem with ILIKE and UTF-8 Gregory Stark
- Re: Yet another problem with ILIKE and UTF-8 Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #3697: utf8 issue: can not reimport a table that was successfully exported. Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #3696: FK integrity check bypassed using rules. Pierre-Yves Strub
- Re: BUG #3697: utf8 issue: can not reimport a table that was successfully exported. Marc Mamin
- PostgreSQL crash on Freebsd 7 Michael
- Re: PostgreSQL crash on Freebsd 7 Alvaro Herrera
- Re: PostgreSQL crash on Freebsd 7 Tom Lane
- Re: PostgreSQL crash on Freebsd 7 Michael
- Re: PostgreSQL crash on Freebsd 7 Tom Lane
- Re: PostgreSQL crash on Freebsd 7 Michael