Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: BUG #1931: ILIKE and LIKE fails on Turkish locale Tom Lane
- BUG #1932: initdb.log zhangsijing
- BUG #1930: Cannot create foreign key constraint Warren Little
- Re: BUG #1932: initdb.log Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #1930: Cannot create foreign key constraint Tom Lane
- BUG #1933: ADD COLUMN with DEFAULT resets table oids Duncan Crombie
- Error While Connectint to Database Balaji NV
- Re: BUG #1815: ECPGdebug causes crash on Windows XP William ZHANG
- Re: BUG #1908: sql support chinese char error William ZHANG
- Re: BUG #1932: initdb.log William ZHANG
- Re: BUG #1933: ADD COLUMN with DEFAULT resets table oids Tom Lane