Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- BUG #1707: statistics collector starts with stats_start_collector = false Federico Di Gregorio
- BUG #1713: dbmirror replaces nextval, setval functions James Doherty
- BUG #1716: FATAL: XX000: failed to initialize lc_messages to "" steve owen
- BUG #1708: Weekly news link error DouDou
- BUG #1714: dbmirror replaces nextval, setval functions James Doherty
- BUG #1710: Not clear instruction abnout jdbc driver. Placek
- BUG #1711: psql doesn't format nicely with newlines
- BUG #1712: JDBC column precision for bigint is 0 Gilles Dubochet
- BUG #1705: nextval being evaluated more than once Nick Farrell
- pg_dump: [tar archiver] could not write to tar member error filip filipov
- BUG #1709: upper(), lower() don't work with UTF-8 Constantin Dunayev
- Re: BUG #1678: pw_shadow BUS ERROR Haluk GUNCER
- bug Juliano Francisco Angeli
- BUG #1703: dns for ftp mirrors messed up Tavis Rudd
- BUG #1704: Download problems Igor
- bug Juliano Francisco Angeli
- Re: pg_dump: [tar archiver] could not write to tar member error Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #1707: statistics collector starts with stats_start_collector = false Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #1712: JDBC column precision for bigint is 0 Oliver Jowett
- could not connect to server: [then mess] Dan Jacobson
- Re: BUG #1707: statistics collector starts with stats_start_collector Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #1707: statistics collector starts with stats_start_collector = false Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #1707: statistics collector starts with stats_start_collector Bruce Momjian