Mailing lists [pgsql-announce]
- New language for Web and postgreSQL application, Alinous-Core 1.0 Released Tomohiro Iizuka
- PostBooks: Open Source Accounting/ERP/CRM Ned Lilly
- == PostgreSQL Weekly News - August 05 2007 == David Fetter
- pgsnmpd version 1.0 released Josh Tolley
- EnterpriseDB Announces First-Ever Professional-Grade PostgreSQL Distribution for Linux Dave Page
- SchemaCrawler for PostgreSQL
- == PostgreSQL Weekly News - August 12 2007 == David Fetter
- pgAdmin III v1.8.0 Beta 3 released Dave Page
- pgUnitTest: run unit test on database queries and insert random data Mickael DELOISON
- == PostgreSQL Weekly News - August 19 2007 == David Fetter
- Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL Community Forums Now Open. Tony Caduto
- == PostgreSQL Weekly News - August 26 2007 == David Fetter
- PostgreSQL Data Wizard 7.8 released SQL Maestro Group
- ANN: DBForms from MS Access to PHP + PostgreSQL v.1.0 released Dmitry Narizhnykh
- PostgreSQL Conference Fall 2007 Joshua D. Drake