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----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

pgsql-interfaces-digest     Saturday, May 22 1999     Volume 01 : Number 355


ECPG feature
jdbc - getArray
jdbc - number of updated rows
Error with JDBC


Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 21:53:08 +0200
From: "Pavel PaJaSoft Janousek" <janousek@fonet.cz>
Subject: ECPG feature
   ECPG is very powerfull, I have one idea..
   If I have contruction ala:
   if (cond)       exec sql ....   else       exec sql...
   Yes, this MUST be for right run as there:
   if (cond)   {       exec sql...   }   else   {       exec sql ...   }
   So, why this brackets ('{' and '}') doesn't include ECPG? It may include
this brackets before and after every 'EXEC SQL' command...
   I know, that this is some modifications in output of parser... may
anybody do this modifications?

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pavel Janousek (PaJaSoft)                         FoNet, spol. s r. o.
Vyvoj software, sprava siti, Unix, Web, Y2K     Anenska 11, 602 00  Brno
E-mail: mailto:Janousek@FoNet.Cz                Tel.: +420  5  4324 4749
SMS:    mailto:P.Janousek@SMS.Paegas.Cz         Fax.: +420  5  4324 4751
WWW:    http://WWW.FoNet.Cz/                  E-mail: mailto:Info@FoNet.Cz
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 12:24:28 +0200
From: Piotr Stelmaszyk <kelman@fanthom.math.put.poznan.pl>
Subject: jdbc - getArray

Is there any working implementation of getArray? When it is
expected to be implemented in JDBC interface?

PS. I'm new this list, so if answers to my questions are in any kind
of faqs or were answered recently, please give a link to it.

PS2. I was trying to search archive-list, but it seems to be not

/- Piotr Stelmaszyk |---- Student of Computer Science ---/
/------------------ | at Poznan University of Technology /
/----- mailto:kelman@fanthom.math.put.poznan.pl ---------/
/----- mailto:kelman@alpha.net.pl -----------------------/


Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 12:35:10 +0200
From: Piotr Stelmaszyk <kelman@fanthom.math.put.poznan.pl>
Subject: jdbc - number of updated rows

Please tell me how to get to know how many rows has method
executeUpdate affected. According to documentation
Returns:       either the row count for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE ...
this method should return number of updated rows, but it always
returns 1. It's a feature(bug) of postgresql jdbc-driver?

The only solution for my problem, that I made up is:

turn off auto-commit

select count(*) from table
where tID
- -- now i (probably)know number of updated rows

update table set ...
where tID


turn on auto-commit
- -- stupid, isn't it ...

PS. remember that I'm new here...

/- Piotr Stelmaszyk |---- Student of Computer Science ---/
/------------------ | at Poznan University of Technology /
/----- mailto:kelman@fanthom.math.put.poznan.pl ---------/
/----- mailto:kelman@alpha.net.pl -----------------------/


Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 04:36:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Peter Garner <peter_garner@yahoo.com>
Subject: Error with JDBC

Hi All

I am using Postgres 6.5b and the JDBC that came with
it.   Under RH6.0 I get the following error attempting
to connect :

java.sql.SQLException: Something unusual has occured
to cause the driver to fail. Please report this
exception: java.sql.SQLException: Unknown Response
Type: Kat postgresql.Driver.connect(Driver.java:106)at
crazy.pete.jnews.nntp.NewsReader.connectDBMS(NewsReader.java:95)at NewsMain.main(NewsMain.java:64)

I suspect this is something to do with a network
service not being properly started.  (I doubt it has
anything to do with the postmaster, since I am using
the identical startup script that worked with RH5.2.)
Oh, BTW both postmaster and the JDBC CLIENT are
on the same machine.  What service could I have
forgotten to start that is preventing TCP sockets from
working?   Thanks!

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Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 22:15:28 +0200
From: Michael Meskes <meskes@postgresql.org>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] ECPG feature

On Fri, May 21, 1999 at 09:53:08PM +0200, Pavel PaJaSoft Janousek wrote:
>     if (cond)
>         exec sql ....
>     else
>         exec sql...
>     Yes, this MUST be for right run as there:
>     if (cond)
>     {
>         exec sql...
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         exec sql ...
>     }

This looks like a bug. I will check it asap.

- -- 
Michael Meskes                         | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz    | Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651                 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael.Meskes@gmx.net          | Use PostgreSQL!


End of pgsql-interfaces-digest V1 #355

pgsql-interfaces by date:

From: Michael Meskes
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] ECPG feature
From: Michael Meskes
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] What to use to get number of tuples in a query