Re: Excel Source [24]] Error: System.Exception: SqlTruncateException: Numeric arithmetic causes - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Erik Wienhold
Subject Re: Excel Source [24]] Error: System.Exception: SqlTruncateException: Numeric arithmetic causes
Msg-id ukrcpvts37hb2oew56d6mtax4p6xwpnugvgzedv4vr7c6vclry@76gy76wybcd5
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In response to Excel Source [24]] Error: System.Exception: SqlTruncateException: Numeric arithmetic causes  (Anthony Apollis <>)
List pgsql-general
On 2024-02-28 21:22 +0100, Anthony Apollis wrote:
> Please assist. I am using SSIS to read data from an Excel sheet into
> Postgres. I have increased the column size a few times, just cant seem to
> get the data in. Getting errors relating to destination column size.

What is the data type of that column?

> [Excel Source [24]] Error: System.Exception: SqlTruncateException:
> Numeric arithmetic causes truncation.. RowNumber=1, ColumnName=Metric
> Value [DataType=DT_NUMERIC,Length=0], Data=[Length=12,
> Value=311116655.63]
>    at ZappySys.PowerPack.Adapter.SqlDataComponentBase.HandleException(Exception
> ex)
>    at ZappySys.PowerPack.Adapter.SqlDataComponentBase.PrimeOutput(Int32
> outputs, Int32[] outputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers)
>    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPrimeOutput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100
> wrapper, Int32 outputs, Int32[] outputIDs, IDTSBuffer100[] buffers,
> IntPtr ppBufferWirePacket)

Not sure what I'm looking at, but screenshots 1 and 2 say precision=19
and scale=18 which would be numeric(19,18).  But value 311116655.63
shown in the error message requires a precision that is at least 9
digits larger than the scale:

    regress=# select '311116655.63'::numeric(19,18);
    ERROR:  numeric field overflow
    DETAIL:  A field with precision 19, scale 18 must round to an absolute value less than 10^1.
    regress=# select '311116655.63'::numeric(27,18);
    (1 row)


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