Re: Data transfer very slow when connected via DSL - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From PFC
Subject Re: Data transfer very slow when connected via DSL
Msg-id op.tubj5nq5cigqcu@apollo13
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In response to Re: Data transfer very slow when connected via DSL  ("Harald Armin Massa" <>)
Responses Re: Data transfer very slow when connected via DSL
List pgsql-performance
>> I did not find a solution so far; and for bulk data transfers I now
>> >programmed a workaround.
>> But that is surely based on some component installed on the server,
>> isn't
>> it?
> Correct. I use a pyro-remote server. On request this remote server copies
> the relevant rows into a temporary table, uses a copy_to Call to push
> them
> into a StringIO-Objekt (that's Pythons version of "In Memory File"),
> serializes that StringIO-Objekt, does a bz2-compression and transfers the
> whole block via VPN.
> I read on in this thread, and I scheduled to check on psycopg2 and what
> it is doing with cursors.

    What about a SSH tunnel using data compression ?
    If you fetch all rows from a query in one go, would it be fast ?
    Also, PG can now COPY from a query, so you don't really need the temp

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From: "Harald Armin Massa"
Subject: Re: Data transfer very slow when connected via DSL
From: "Simon Riggs"
Subject: Re: PITR Backups