On 2024-02-29 03:59 +0100, Siraj G wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 7:40 AM David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Since a PG role and a PG user are the same thing under the hood, the later
> > simply meaning the role can login, then no. Though maybe you mean a OS
> > user since you are dealing with operating system commands here...?
> Sorry for not giving the clarity. It is a GCP environment, we are trying to
> import using the GCP feature from a backup (export) taken from another
> instance in the same infra. While the user (hd*****) is created from the
> GCP console for a specific instance, I can see its presence from "select *
> from pg_user".
Do you see that user on the old or the new instance?
> Since I am trying to restore, I believe the user should have
> pg_write_system_files role, hence trying to grant it.
Do you mean pg_write_server_files or is pg_write_system_files a
GCP-specific role? pg_write_server_files isn't necessary for restoring
and you should be cautious about granting it because it's a powerful
role that allows grantees to gain superuser-level access[1].
[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/predefined-roles.html