Re: Statistics Import and Export - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Andres Freund
Subject Re: Statistics Import and Export
Msg-id fgedxyeh6u2ubh5tnyymrhizvqqh6hhuuqcdrvglf333sb2gbr@f2bhjvv4vauq
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Statistics Import and Export  (Jeff Davis <>)
Responses Re: Statistics Import and Export
List pgsql-hackers

On 2025-03-06 17:42:30 -0800, Jeff Davis wrote:
> At minimum, we would need to at least add the option "--with-
> statistics", because right now the only way to explicitly request stats
> is to say "--statistics-only".

+1, this has been annoying me while testing.

I did get confused for a while because I used --statistics, as the opposite of
--no-statistics, while going back and forth between the two. Kinda appears to
work, but actually means --statistics-only, something rather different...

> To generalize this concept: for each of {schema, data, stats} users
> might want "yes", "no", or "only".

> If we use this options scheme, it would be easy to change the default
> for stats independently of the other options, if necessary, without
> surprising consequences.
> Patch attached. This patch does NOT change the default; stats are still
> opt-out. But it makes it easier for users to start specifying what they
> want or not explicitly, or to rely on the defaults if they prefer.
> Note that the patch would mean we go from 2 options in v17:
>   --{schema|data}-only
> to 9 options in v18:
>   --{with|no}-{schema|data|stats} and
>   --{schema|data|stats}-only

Could we, instead of having --with-$foo, just use --$foo?


Andres Freund

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