On Sun, 4 Sep 2016, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> But the message you sent me offlist showed the 9.5 instance running.
But now it's not running.
> How are you starting the instance?
As superuser poostgres: pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/pgsql/data &
After removing an orphaned postmaster.pid the above seemed to have started
postgres, but there's no postmaster process running.
> Are you sure that the password being asked for is not for the OS user you are
> using to run whatever start script you are using?
Thinking postmaster is running I tried this:
$ psql crm
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "rshepard"
DETAIL: User "rshepard" has no password assigned.
Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 80: "local all all
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "rshepard"
The crm database is owned by me.
> I have never used it, but I am pretty sure that is not what -W means. It
> looks to me that it asks you to create a password at init for the database
> superuser(in this case postgres) and only that user when that user tries
> to use log into a database after the cluster is started.
From man initdb:
-W, --pwprompt
Makes initdb prompt for a password to give the database superuser.
If you don't plan on using password authentication, this is not
important. Otherwise you won't be able to use password
authentication until you have a password set up.
The superuser already exists in /etc/passwd.
> Do you remember what password you specified?
Yes. It's the same password I use for logging in as a user. If it's the
superuser password being requested, then that's the same as my user
The Slackware rc.postgresql file for 9.5 has changed from 9.3 and earlier.
It's asking for passwords:
if [ ! -e $DATADIR/PG_VERSION ]; then
echo "You should initialize the PostgreSQL database
at location $DATADIR"
echo "e.g. su postgres -c \"initdb -D $DATADIR
--locale=en_US.UTF-8 -A md5 -W\""
exit 6
Note the '-W' at the end. But, I ran initdb from the command line as user