On Sun, 4 Sep 2016, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> The above is not possible. If the postmaster was not running there would be
> no rejection error.
Yes. I conflated when the postmaster was running -- using the 9.3.4 server
-- and now when it's not running. Now I'm wondering if I mistakenly used the
-W option to initdb which requires password use for access.
> Don't do that, you will end up right back at this point again. Find the
> pg_hba.conf files for your 9.5 cluster and your 9.3 cluster and post them
> here.
OK. But when I used 'diff -y' I saw only a paragraph of comments as
different. I'll try attaching them; they're ~100 lines each. If the
attachments are stripped off my the mlm I'll list them within the message