Re: Postgres vr.s Oracle - Mailing list pgsql-advocacy

From Joshua Kramer
Subject Re: Postgres vr.s Oracle
Msg-id alpine.LFD.2.00.0812101630300.11766@home-av-server.home-av
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In response to Re: Postgres vr.s Oracle  (Brian Hurt <>)
List pgsql-advocacy
> I'm not the person to ask.

I suspect that if the legal department in your company saw that they'd ask
you to take it down, especially after Oracle contacts them.  And I
wouldn't be surprised if Oracle contacted them, especially with the
results you posted.

Thankfully, those of us whose browsers have those materials cached on disk
aren't subject to any Oracle agreements.  :)


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pgsql-advocacy by date:

From: Brian Hurt
Subject: Re: Postgres vr.s Oracle
From: "Rodrigo E. De León Plicet"
Subject: Re: Postgres vr.s Oracle