Hello Julian,
> Alright, here goes another one:
Patch v3 applies, make check ok, feature tested on Linux, one small issue
found, see below.
> 1. Cleaned up the clutter with getPgPassFilename - the function is now named
> fillDefaultPGPassFile() and only does exactly that.
> 2. Since a connection option "pgpassfile" or environment variable
> "PGPASSFILE" are picked up in conninfo_add_defaults() or in case a password
> was needed, but neither a pgpassfile connection option or environment
> variable were set, we'd have filled the conn->pgpassfile field with the
> "default" ~/.pgpass stuff.
> Thus, when returning with an error, if conn->pgpassfile was set and a
> password was necessary, we must have tried that pgpassfile, so i got rid of
> the field "dot_pgpass_used"
No, you should not have done that, because it changes a feature which was
to warn *only* when the password was coming from file.
> in the pg_conn struct and the pgpassfile string is always used in the
> error message.
sh> touch dot_pass_empty sh> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./src/interfaces/libpq \ psql "dbname=test host=localhost user=test
pgpassfile=./dot_pass_empty"Password: BAD_PASSWORD_TYPED psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "test"
passwordretrieved from file "./dot_pass_empty"
The warning is wrong, the password was typed directly, not retrieved from
a file. The "dot_pgpass_used" boolean is still required to avoid that.
> 3. Going on, I renamed "dot_pg_pass_warning()" to "PGPassFileWarning()"
This makes sense, its name is not necessarily ".pgpass".