>> In doing this, I noticed that the latency output is wrong if you use -T
>> instead of -t; it always says the latency is zero because "duration" is
>> zero. I suppose it should be like in the attached instead.
Indeed, I clearly overlooked option -t (transactions) which I never use.
> Patch actually attached here.
Tested. There is a small issue because the \n is missing.
Here is another version which just replaces duration by time_include,
as they should be pretty close, and fixes the style so that it is the same
whether the detailed stats are collected or not, as you pointed out.
>> At the same time, it says "latency average: XYZ" instead of "latency
>> average = XYZ" as in printSimpleStats, which doesn't look terribly
>> important. But the line appears in the SGML docs.
Indeed. The documentation is manually edited when submitting changes so as
to minimize diffs, but then it does not correspond anymore to any actual
output, so it is easy to do it wrong.