Re: pgbench stats per script & other stuff - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Fabien COELHO
Subject Re: pgbench stats per script & other stuff
Msg-id alpine.DEB.2.10.1509031127180.16877@sto
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: pgbench stats per script & other stuff  (Andres Freund <>)
List pgsql-hackers
> Right now builtins and user defined scripts are stored in different data
> structures. I'd rather see them in the same.

They already are in the same array (sql_script) when pre-processed and 
executed, there is no distinction beyond initialization.

The builtin_script array contains the equivalent of the external custom 
file (name, lines of code), so that they can be processed by 
process_builtin and addScript to build the SQLScript ready for execution, 
while for external files it relies on process_file and addScript.


pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Andres Freund
Subject: Re: pgbench stats per script & other stuff
From: Amit Kapila
Subject: Re: assessing parallel-safety