Re: [PATCH] add --progress option to pgbench (submission 3) - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Fabien COELHO
Subject Re: [PATCH] add --progress option to pgbench (submission 3)
Msg-id alpine.DEB.2.02.1306272001560.6384@localhost6.localdomain6
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: [PATCH] add --progress option to pgbench (submission 3)  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: [PATCH] add --progress option to pgbench (submission 3)
List pgsql-hackers
>> Otherwise, he simplest possible adaptation, if it is required to have the
>> progress feature under fork emulation to pass it, is that under "fork
>> emulation" each processus reports its current progress instead of having a
>> collective summing.
> Perhaps that's worth doing.  I agree with Fabien that full support of
> this feature in the process model is more trouble than it's worth,
> though, and I wouldn't scream loudly if we just didn't support it.
> --disable-thread-safety doesn't have to be entirely penalty-free.

Attached is patch version 5.

It includes this solution for fork emulation, one report per thread 
instead of a global report. Some code duplication for that.

It also solves conflicts introduced by the long options patch.

Finally, I've added a latency measure as defended by Mitsumasa. However 
the formula must be updated for the throttling patch.

Maybe I should have submitted a bunch of changes to pgbench in one patch. 
I thought that separating orthogonal things made reviewing simpler so the 
patches were more likely to pass, but I'm not so sure that the other 
strategy would have been that bad.


pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Alvaro Herrera
Subject: Re: [PATCH] add long options to pgbench (submission 1)
From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: Kudos for Reviewers -- straw poll