>> Should it give up trying under some conditions, say there are more errors
>> than transactions?
> I don't really see the point of that. I can't think of a scenario where you
> would get too many serialization errors to even finish the pgbench test.
My point is really to avoid in principle a potential infinite loop under
option -t in these conditions, if all transactions are failing because of
a table lock for instance. If pgbench is just killed, I'm not sure you get
a report.
> At any rate, as proposed, this would fail horribly if the very first
> transaction fails, or the second transaction fails twice, etc..
Yep. Or maybe some more options to control the expected behavior on
transaction failures ? --stop-client-on-fail (current behavior),
--keep-trying-indefinitely, --stop-client-after=<nfails>... or nothing if
this is not a problem:-)