Re: Statistics Import and Export - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Nathan Bossart
Subject Re: Statistics Import and Export
Msg-id Z7zud38Z62z13qWo@nathan
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Statistics Import and Export  (Daniel Gustafsson <>)
List pgsql-hackers
On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 10:51:34PM +0100, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
>> On 24 Feb 2025, at 22:33, Andres Freund <> wrote:
>> I'd go even so far to say that it's a bad idea to support unsupported
>> source versions, because it'll mean we'll practically get very very
>> little testing for those paths but claim to support them.
> +1.  Maintaining pg_upgrade is hard enough without having to go rummaging
> through the EOL-versions filing cabinet all too often when hacking on it.

+1.  FWIW I'm planning to restrict one of my proposed pg_upgrade
optimizations to upgrades from v10 or newer.  Sure, I could add a ton of
complexity to support older versions, but when v18 comes out, that
restriction will only apply to users who are still running versions that
have been out-of-support for nearly 4 years.  I think it's completely
reasonable to try to help users on old versions, but I also think it's
reasonable for us as developers to prioritize maintainability and
stability.  And I suspect it's unlikely that any specific pg_upgrade
feature is the reason folks haven't upgraded, although I'll admit the
downtime implications might certainly be a factor.


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Subject: Re: Statistics Import and Export