Re: (13.1) pg_basebackups ./. pg_verifybackup - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Matthias Apitz
Subject Re: (13.1) pg_basebackups ./. pg_verifybackup
Msg-id YRQESqSvJ3RgVnns@c720-r368166
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In response to Re: (13.1) pg_basebackups ./. pg_verifybackup  (Matthias Apitz <>)
Responses Re: (13.1) pg_basebackups ./. pg_verifybackup
List pgsql-general
El día martes, agosto 10, 2021 a las 11:38:57a. m. +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> I think, I sorted it out by doing this:
> I moved away the tar-archives:
> $ cd /data/postgresql133/backup-20210810-1
> $ mkdir ../saved
> $ mv *.tar.gz ../saved
> I unpacked 'base.tar.gz' the usual way:
> $ tar xzf ../saved/base.tar.gz
> but 'pg_wal.tar.gz' in the sub dir 'pg_wal':
> $ cd pg_wal
> $ tar xzf ../../saved/pg_wal.tar.gz
> $ cd ..
> $ find pg_wal
> pg_wal
> pg_wal/0000000100000000000000D9
> pg_wal/archive_status
> pg_wal/archive_status/0000000100000000000000D9.done
> now pg_verifybackup seems to be happy:
> $ pg_verifybackup  /data/postgresql133/backup-20210810-1
> backup successfully verified
> Is this the supposed way it should work? Esp. this unpacking of
> 'pg_wal.tar.gz' in a directory level below?
> Ofc, one could specify the location of the WAL file with '-w path', but
> the doc only suggests this when "Try to parse WAL files stored in the
> specified directory, rather than in pg_wal. This may be useful if the
> backup is stored in a separate location from the WAL archive."
> But having to unpack 'pg_wal.tar.gz' below pg_wal is not obvious. 

Could some kind sol acknowledge me that this is the correct procedure to
use pg_verifybackup? Thanks in advance


Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
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